
Where am I?

Have you ever felt lost?  I would be surprised if you haven’t.  Everyone has felt lost at one time or another.  A time where I don’t quite know what’s wrong, but how did I end up here?  Life is a series of choices that are made and sometimes can take us so far from what was intended.  Those choices are trying to show us something, but we must be willing to pay attention.  It is challenging to try and look at things from a new perspective and see that maybe we had a hand in where we have ended up.  It is hard to admit that maybe you have been wrong.  That maybe you couldn’t see something that was right in front of you.

I first began my journey towards the spiritual side of life when I went to the Enlightenment Expo in Portland, Maine in May of 2013.  It had been suggested that I go, and I figured why not, I didn’t have other plans that day and I really could use a new direction.  I was at a job where I wasn’t happy, I didn’t have a romantic partner in my life, and nothing seemed to be going the way that I wanted.  I started to look for answers.  I started going to events and opened myself up to new ideas.  I had a numerology reading at one of them where she told me that I could be working at one sometime.  My response was, “yeah right”.  I had that conversation with two additional psychics over the years before I finally started to hear what I was being told.  Synchronicity began to flow.  I met the people I needed to meet so that I could learn to open up.  Spirit has a way of directing you even if we don’t want to hear it.

What aren’t you seeing or hearing?  Do you feel lost right now? Is there something right in front you that you can’t see?

Changes means what?

The first step is always hard.  Whether it’s a new venture, a new relationship or making small changes.  Change is a challenge for so many of us, myself included.  I fought change for years for fear that decisions that I had made were wrong or were in some way a reflection of failing. 

For about eight years, each year I experienced the death of a family member who I was close to and the process of constantly being in grief was exhausting.  But light appeared in 2011 with the birth of my eldest nephew.  This new birth was a welcome change.  I now realize that not all change is bad.  The changes that we see as negative tend to be the ones that don’t follow the course we had planned; the ones that seem to be thrust upon us, that give us no opportunity to make a choice about. 

What are you unhappy about in your life now?  Do you feel like you can do something different and change your reality?  Is there a small change you can make so that you feel more in charge, which could lead you to feel more empowered?  When we feel more empowered, changes are welcome.  Something seemingly small can lead to bigger changes.  Is there something small that you can change?

Spring, New Beginnings and a Step

It is officially Spring.  Well, so it began in the middle of March officially, but the snow is melting, hopefully and Spring is underway.  The flowers are blooming, the days are longer, and a time for seeking new beginnings is here. 

For some of us, new beginnings seek us out.  This is my first official post as the owner of SoulHeart Intuitive Coaching.  My new beginning started in January, when the universe pushed me in a new direction and forced me to change direction in a way that I was unsure about.  My career path of 10 years came to an end and an authentic life path began.  Within days, synchronicity flowed and I paid attention to my intuition.  I was led to an empowerment coaching certification program.  A month later, a business course began to help me to set up my business.  Synchronicity at work.  A few weeks went by and I became a Reiki Master and completed a course of healing with Lemurian crystals.  Another week and I initiated a business manifestation class and an astrology class dealing with Life Purpose.   See the flow? A lot has happened within such a short time it can make a person’s head spin. 

What are you thinking with the coming of Spring?  Has the universe been pushing you into a new direction?  Where are you being guided?  There so many options it can be challenging at times.  Take several deep breaths.  What do you want to achieve during this time of new beginnings?
