June 5


Plunge Into the Depths

Mercury has now stationed direct.  Yay! But, remember the shadow period of Mercury retrograde typically lasts about 2 weeks, so it’s still active.  On June 10, Mercury in Taurus trines Pluto in Capricorn.
Trines tend to be a harmonious aspect, so it’s one that’s often overlooked for self-development work, but it can help.  Mercury is asking questions of Pluto and wants to know its secrets.  Pluto is your deepest emotional wound.  Pluto wounds tend to be unconscious, but what happens when you make it conscious?  You’ve opened up another whole can of worms to work with.
Pluto wounds are emotional.  They tend to lead to tears, but if you start working with it, it can truly begin to change your life.  Now that Mercury is direct, what secrets were revealed to you.  Did you learn about your Pluto wounding?  Could it change the direction of your life, if you make it change?  There’s a good possibility that the answer is yes. The secret revealed could change your life, but what do you do.  Do you act or do you stay with the known road?
Mercury trine Pluto is a perfect time to investigate the inner workings of yourself.  How do you tick?  You can alter the course of your life.   The hardest step is always the first.  Inner work is hard, there are no 2 ways about it.  It may be one of the most difficult things that you encounter, but it can also be the most rewarding and empowering decisions that you make. 
Are you ready to change your life?  You don’t have to act, just yet.  You can start with the preliminary work.  Begin with the investigation.  No decisions have to be made during an investigation; you’re just gathering information. 
What information are you starting to gather?  Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.


Inner Child, Power, Shadows

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