Plunge Into the Depths

Mercury has now stationed direct.  Yay! But, remember the shadow period of Mercury retrograde typically lasts about 2 weeks, so it’s still active.  On June 10, Mercury in Taurus trines Pluto in Capricorn.
Trines tend to be a harmonious aspect, so it’s one that’s often overlooked for self-development work, but it can help.  Mercury is asking questions of Pluto and wants to know its secrets.  Pluto is your deepest emotional wound.  Pluto wounds tend to be unconscious, but what happens when you make it conscious?  You’ve opened up another whole can of worms to work with.
Pluto wounds are emotional.  They tend to lead to tears, but if you start working with it, it can truly begin to change your life.  Now that Mercury is direct, what secrets were revealed to you.  Did you learn about your Pluto wounding?  Could it change the direction of your life, if you make it change?  There’s a good possibility that the answer is yes. The secret revealed could change your life, but what do you do.  Do you act or do you stay with the known road?
Mercury trine Pluto is a perfect time to investigate the inner workings of yourself.  How do you tick?  You can alter the course of your life.   The hardest step is always the first.  Inner work is hard, there are no 2 ways about it.  It may be one of the most difficult things that you encounter, but it can also be the most rewarding and empowering decisions that you make. 
Are you ready to change your life?  You don’t have to act, just yet.  You can start with the preliminary work.  Begin with the investigation.  No decisions have to be made during an investigation; you’re just gathering information. 
What information are you starting to gather?  Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

What’s Rising to the Surface?

What emotions have been coming to the surface for you? Are you angry or sad or don’t know quite what to think?  The same thing keeps happening. It’s eclipse season and anything is possible.
The nodal axis is the process of switching from Gemini – Sagittarius to Taurus - Scorpio, from mutable to fixed. If you know your birth time, it’s a perfect time to see where Taurus and Scorpio lie in your chart.  What might be coming up for you? I’m a Gemini Rising, so Scorpio is in my 6th house (the house of daily life and health) and Taurus is in my 12th house (the house of hidden things).  The houses contain more than just this, but for simplicity purposes, we will keep it basic. Before the eclipses even start, you can start to see things shifting. My life is shifting from a focus on me (1st house) and my relationships (7th house) to what’s hidden (12th house) and my daily life (6th house). 
There are things from my past that I have kept hidden or didn’t know about that are starting to come up.  What has been keeping me blocked from moving forward? Where do I want to go and what is stopping me? My fears have always played the biggest role in stopping me. From the time I was a child, the dark and mysterious (Scorpio Sun) have fascinated me but stepping outside of my comfort zone and putting my trust in other people has held me back. There were a number of people that let me down and unfortunately for myself, I paid more attention to what they said to me than the people who showed me that they loved me and cared about me. For much of my life, I chose fear over love. I was too afraid to put myself out there and go for what I really wanted. In the last few years, I’ve begun to unravel that thread.  I started doing something with my life that I love. Not listening as much to what other people think about what I do, but there’s still more.  I’m having to allow people to get to know the dark and mysterious me.  I have to let people in and get to know me.
Like anything, this isn’t a journey that happens overnight.  It’s a process.  None of us are perfect. Not you and not me. There’s something that we’re all working on.  The question is, are you doing the work or are you allowing your past to control you? My past controlled me for a long time. More time than I would like to admit, but little by little, the past can be let go of. The emotions can be released. One day you can think about the past without breaking down into tears. You can appreciate the moments that make up a part of who you are. There may still be a sense that you wish you had realized it earlier, but it’s ok.  You can change today.
What is rising to the surface for you? Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

Curveball Coming!

Did you get a curveball thrown your way?  Something that you completely didn’t expect.  Or maybe something that you’ve been trying to avoid, and you received some news about.
It can be upsetting or challenging to get some news, and other times you’re jumping for joy that it happened.  Either option can change your life for better or worse.  Sometimes what you need is to take a step back and gain a little perspective.  Or maybe you’re being triggered and meant to confront it, so you can address it and become more empowered in your life.
Triggers are a challenge.  They’re meant to teach you something, but at that moment all you can do is think or feel what’s happening.
You don’t want to deal with it right now.  It’s not the time.  It’s not the place.  You have other things to do.  There are a number of reasons why.  Life will normally trigger you at the worst possible moment.  A conversation that will leave you emotional right before you need to be somewhere.  A difficult moment right in front of your co-workers.
You don’t want to show emotion in these moments.  You don’t want to seem defeated, angry, or name an emotion, but you’re meant to feel the emotion.  The emotion is what will help you to process the trigger.
Give yourself time to process the trigger, develop an action plan and gain some perspective.  Confronting your triggers is the only way for you to truly become empowered.
Triggers aren’t mean to be an annoyance, they just happen that way.  Triggers are meant to move you forward.  Triggers are meant to move you forward.  If you choose to ignore your trigger, that’s ok too, but it will come back.  Until you confront it, it will always return.  And the next thing it will be a little more annoying.
What are you being triggered by?  Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

Have You Ever?

Have you ever been angry or upset about something that you shouldn’t have been?  Most likely it isn’t about this event at all, but a past event.  It could even be one that you remember nothing about.
This happens all the time. It’s nothing to be worried about.  You’re not losing your mind, but it’s a moment to think.  Why do you feel this way?  It’s a moment to heal.
There is something in your life that needs to be healed.  I don’t care who you are.  It doesn’t matter if you’ve done healing work in the past.  There’s always something within the needs to be healed.
With Mercury still in retrograde, it’s a perfect time to look at what people have said to you in the past.  How did you interpret it?  Did it impact you?  If it comes to mind, you’re probably ready to let it go.
To grow and expand as a person and to live a happier, more empowered life, you need to release something from the past.
The next question is typically how.  That’s a little complicated because it depends.  Maybe you need to express your suppressed emotions.  You might need to talk with someone.  Your energy field may need some fine-tuning.  You could need to understand who you are as a person and why you’re here.  Only you can indicate the direction your healing will go in.  Only you can dictate where to begin.
A lot can happen in childhood.  It may be deeply engrained, but you have no memory of it.  Energy work can be especially helpful in these situations.  This was where I started.  My earliest memory is at the age of 6, but a lot happened to me from the time I was born until 6.  My body experienced trauma from having seizures.  The medical testing to determine what was happening.  The trials and errors that are part of the process.  It may be a good thing, but none of those events are part of my memory.  I had to find a way to relieve the trauma.  That’s where energy work came in.  Then more traditional therapeutic processes for the memories that I did have.
Memories are tricky.  They are a part of you whether you believe it or not.  They make up who you are.  It’s time to heal some of those past memories.
What are you looking to heal?  Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.
