February 14


Have You Ever?

Have you ever been angry or upset about something that you shouldn’t have been?  Most likely it isn’t about this event at all, but a past event.  It could even be one that you remember nothing about.
This happens all the time. It’s nothing to be worried about.  You’re not losing your mind, but it’s a moment to think.  Why do you feel this way?  It’s a moment to heal.
There is something in your life that needs to be healed.  I don’t care who you are.  It doesn’t matter if you’ve done healing work in the past.  There’s always something within the needs to be healed.
With Mercury still in retrograde, it’s a perfect time to look at what people have said to you in the past.  How did you interpret it?  Did it impact you?  If it comes to mind, you’re probably ready to let it go.
To grow and expand as a person and to live a happier, more empowered life, you need to release something from the past.
The next question is typically how.  That’s a little complicated because it depends.  Maybe you need to express your suppressed emotions.  You might need to talk with someone.  Your energy field may need some fine-tuning.  You could need to understand who you are as a person and why you’re here.  Only you can indicate the direction your healing will go in.  Only you can dictate where to begin.
A lot can happen in childhood.  It may be deeply engrained, but you have no memory of it.  Energy work can be especially helpful in these situations.  This was where I started.  My earliest memory is at the age of 6, but a lot happened to me from the time I was born until 6.  My body experienced trauma from having seizures.  The medical testing to determine what was happening.  The trials and errors that are part of the process.  It may be a good thing, but none of those events are part of my memory.  I had to find a way to relieve the trauma.  That’s where energy work came in.  Then more traditional therapeutic processes for the memories that I did have.
Memories are tricky.  They are a part of you whether you believe it or not.  They make up who you are.  It’s time to heal some of those past memories.
What are you looking to heal?  Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.


Change, Couraage, Fear, Inner Child, Journey, Power

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