February 21


What Did You Find Out?

Did you have a realization?  Any epiphany this last week?  If you did, great!   If not, that is ok.  You might not have put the pieces together or there could be another reason altogether.
But let’s speak about when you did have the realization.  Did pieces seem to come together?  Do you know you next steps?  Maybe not quite yet.  It’s a process after all.  Every person is different.  Sometimes you’re drip-fed information.  Other times it just dawns on you.
The bigger question is what do you do with the information?  It depends on what it is.  Maybe you’ve learned something about yourself and how you’ve behaved in the past.  You can take that information and change how you react in the present moment.  Maybe you’ve kept yourself from revealing something in the past, so you work up the courage to reveal it now.  You might not be ready yet, but you’re ready to work on it.  Wherever you choose to start is what’s best for you.
The point is that you make a shift.  You use the epiphany to help you move forward towards the life or wish you desire.  We don’t have realizations to do nothing with them.  We’re meant to make adjustments.  We’re not supposed to have static lives.  Evolution is important to who you are as a person.  It can change your life if you allow it.
Have you been having lots of dreams lately?  Your messages could be coming through your dreams or a song that you hear repeatedly on the radio.  We’re given the information; we don’t always realize what it means.
If you’re still having trouble, talk it out with someone else.  Maybe that conversation will lead you where you’re meant to go.
Use what you’ve found out to take steps towards your goals.  You can achieve them.
What have you realized?  Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.


Answers, Change, Courage, Energy, Power

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