Out of Balance

Is your life out of balance?  Most likely the answer is yes.  You live in a society that is based on achievement and how much you can do in a day. 

You’re taught from an early age that you have to make sacrifices.  Life isn’t always easy.  When things come to you easily, you tend to discount them.  Why do you do this?  It could be for several reasons.  But that most likely is fear.  Fear of what the quiet will tell you.  Fear of not having enough.  Fear of standing out because you’re not doing what everyone else does.  Fear of looking stupid. 

I tend to pack my days full.  I have classes to attend, books to read, work to do.  I’m working to improve my mind and create a new way of life for myself.  It will only be temporary, but so far that has never been the case.  In one of my astrology classes, I learned that a shadow side for me is to do, do, do.  Boy did that one hit home.  That’s exactly what I do.  Relaxation and I have never had a good relationship.  Even when I do take time to “relax”, it includes reading or watching television.  I should be outside!  I feel better when I do, but life gets in the way.

Life balance isn’t easy.  It takes work.  It’s not what’s expected of you.  If you decide to not follow the “normal” path, you will probably get some pushback whether it be from yourself or those around you.

It’s easy to say that I should do this, but it can be hard to implement.  Your life is craving balance, and you’re not alone.  Mine is too.  It’s time to stop doing, doing, doing, and go, go, go, and just be.  What that looks like for you or me, I can’t tell you.  My first step is to say that I need more balance in my life.  That could mean that you take that walk-in nature or maybe you do something for fun, like just dance for no reason at all.

It's time to achieve more balance. Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.


What did you say?  Misunderstandings seem to be the name of the game during Mercury Retrograde.  Some have more difficulties during retrograde periods than others, but misunderstandings are everywhere.
Have you said something and then gone, that’s not what I meant!  It happens all too often.  People are especially sensitive right now.  They may feel like lashing out rather than taking an opportunity to breathe and think through how they wish to react.
It can be especially tricky for those of us on the other end.  How do you want to respond?  Do you want to be a better person?
That doesn’t mean that you have to allow people to walk all over you.  It does mean that you need to make sure to breathe and think through your responses.  Respond to others from your highest place.  Don’t sink to their level.  Respond true to who you are. 
The world is divisive right now, but you don’t need to follow down that path.  Speak from a place that is for the highest and best good for you.  It can be challenging to not immediately respond, but sometimes it’s best for all to think about your response.
Misunderstandings are bound to happen, but you can try to limit them as much as possible.  When things don’t go as planned, change course or apologize.
You can always try again.  You have an opportunity to think about what’s happening in your life.  You can do it differently.  Just because it’s always been that way doesn’t mean it can’t be different going forward.
Misunderstandings will happen, but how do you respond?  That’s where the lesson is.
How do you respond to misunderstandings?  Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.
