I See Dead People!

I See Dead People.  No, this isn’t like The Sixth Sense.  Mercury went retrograde on January 14 and will be retrograde until February 3.  Mercury has some tales to tell during this Mercury retrograde.

Have been feeling like you’ve been more emotional during the last few days?  Are shadows from your past starting to rise up?  Are people coming back from your past with new information?  You thought you knew, but maybe you don’t. 

Your shadows are coming back to give you more details.  All of your shadows are presented to you in layers.  You approach the first part and come to terms with that means and then the next presents itself.  This is the time to approach your past feelings and emotions and come to terms with how that is holding you back.  Once Mercury goes direct, all of the planets will be ready to move forward.  There won’t be any retrogrades until the end of April, which means that you will have a great opportunity to begin to move forward.  But before you can go forward, you have to go back.  This is that opportunity.  Delve into the past that is being presented to you.  You’re ready to move past it. 

As we moved in 2022, I came to realize that for me to move forward, I needed to let go of past betrayals.  I’ve done a lot of work on this in the past, but another layer had presented itself.  I cut the cords to those past betrayals, but there was one more that I hadn’t thought about.  It presented itself just as Mercury went retrograde.  So it’s time to cut cords and release an area of my life that has held me back for far longer than I would like to admit.  In order for me to truly shine my light out into the world, I have to release the baggage of betrayal and begin to move forward.

This work isn’t easy, but it is necessary to become the most empowered version of yourself that you’re seeking.  The universe wants you to succeed.  Are you willing to give it a try?

What shadows are rising to the surface for you to release?  Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

Venus In Reverse

Venus, the planet of love and beauty, went retrograde on December 21, 2021, in the sign of Capricorn, where it remains in retrograde until January 29, 2022. What does that mean?
You’re being asked to revisit the past.  What have you learned about love? Capricorn represents your structure or foundation. What are your feelings of love based on? Depending upon whether you use the mean or the true node, the North Node is switching from Gemini to Taurus and the South Node from Sagittarius to Scorpio, which asks what wounds are rising for the surface for you to release.
Wounds are challenging. They can sneak up on you just when you think you’ve let them go.  I’ve been working on releasing emotional baggage for a few years now, just when I think I’m getting there, another layer rises to the surface.  I’ve been thinking about love and what it means to me now and what it has meant to me in the past.  I grew up with a lot of friends and family who I knew loved me, but an event with someone who I thought was my friend began to change what I had thought about love. Suddenly love brought pain and hurt.  As an 11-year-old, I couldn’t process what that meant.  I had trouble trusting myself. I had thought this person was my friend. How could I have been so wrong? I had trouble trusting others. Did they have ulterior motives? Were they out to get something from me? Once they got it, would they be gone?
It took time to put the pieces together and start to move forward. For years I lived in the pain and didn’t know how to begin.  As I approached my 30th birthday, I knew my life wasn’t what I wanted it to be.  I found Reiki. I started to heal. I started to find friends who met me on a new level. I started to open up, but along the way, I encountered betrayal again.
I reacted differently this time. I stopped trusting that one person instead of everyone, but I found this wound was still keeping me from moving forward.  I need to do some work. Wounds work in layers. There are layers to peel away.
What wound do you need to clear right now?  Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

What Are You Feeling?

Feelings can be a challenge. How might you ask? Feelings can be a challenge to not only describe at times but sometimes more important to express. Unexpressed feelings can just end us as emotions that are stuck with nowhere to go. Over time those emotions can build up and may even come out in unexpected ways.
Did you grow up with feelings being expressed? For most of us, I would say probably not. Expressed emotions tend to make people uncomfortable. Like they did something wrong or something that they want to fix but can’t. Even at events, such as funerals, where are emotions are more acceptable, you may still have trouble with others getting to witness you cry.
The first funeral that I went to was for my maternal grandfather when I was 17. I remember that funeral for many reasons, one of which being the Ice Storm of ’98, but the other was one that stuck with me for any funeral that I went to in years to come. My grandmother had lost her husband of 57 years and I never saw her cry. The word stoic has always come to mind. Now come to find out, it seems to be a trait amongst the women in that family. Feelings had a place and in public wasn’t one of them.  I don’t have any idea what she felt behind closed doors, again those types of feelings weren’t meant to be revealed.
In this period of time that we're in, right now, our feelings are coming to the surface. Things that you might never have known about are being revealed. They’re being seen in a different light.  There may have been long-standing issues that you’ve been working on and another piece of the puzzle will fall into place.  As you move through this experience, remember one thing. Allow your emotions to come out, even if you’d prefer, they stay hidden.  A little trick that I’ve used is to watch tearjerker movies and television shows to allow myself to cry.  I may be crying over something in my own life, but there’s something freeing in the act of allowing it to come out through watching a piece of fiction. 
The other reminder is if you have the opportunity this holiday season, tell someone that you love them. It can seem like life will last forever, but that’s not always the case.  You never know where life will take you and it can take people to places where we can’t follow.  It’s important to state how you feel when you have the opportunity.  You don’t want to look back years from now and wish that you would have said something.  You may not always get an I love you in return, but at least those feelings aren’t hidden inside.  Feel any feelings that are rising on the surface right now. It’s an important phase in your growth as a person.
What are you feeling? Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

Oh, The Memories!

Have a lot of memories been coming to the surface for you lately?  What have you been doing with them?  Memories are part of a larger story that you’re trying to process.  Maybe it's time for you to do things differently, or are secrets from the past being revealed?  Anything is possible.
Everything coming to the surface is providing you with information to move you forward.  Nothing happens by accident.
What ghosts are coming to the surface for you?  As I sit down to write this, I’m watching the Fire Department do a controlled burn on a house across the street.  Information that I didn’t know about that house has been coming to my attention all week.  Future plans have been coming out and plans have been made, but what about the emotional component?  That’s also been a part of the process.  I’m remembering what that house was like when I was a kid and how to relates to my memories.
I can’t change the decisions that others have made no matter how much I may want to.  Eventually, the house will become part of the memory.  The land will have a new path forward.
This is what your life is going through right now.  Some part of your past is burning to the ground.  There’s an emotional component that you need to process and plan for the next phase of your life to begin.
Memories can help guide you forward if you allow them to and not just live in the memory.  The past can be used to assist you, but for so many, it tends to stop you in your tracks and swallow you whole.  Allow your memories to move you forward.
What are your memories trying to show you?  Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

Did you get your Update?

Did the universe show you something this past week?  Did it give you a message?  You may not have seen it and that’s ok, but you received an update.  You are always being shown what your world looks like.  An update of where you are in the process.  But sometimes you’re so busy that you don’t notice.
An uncomfortable feeling may arise that you push back down.  Who wants to deal with those uneasy feelings?  Those uneasy feelings could be part of your message.  The shadows tell us just as much as the light.  The shadows are some of the more difficult messages to receive, but you must go through the darkness to reach the light.
I’m sure you’d love to set the intention of being healed; you wake up one day and you are, but life isn’t that way.  It would be so much easier if it was.
Part of your mission in life is to go through the shadow emotions.  The “I don’t feel good enough” and the “I want” to reach the manifestation stage in life.  When you’re unable to manifest what you want, there’s a shadow aspect in there somewhere.
Maybe part of your message was about your shadow.  What’s it telling you?  The universe wants you to be happy and joyful.  To have the life that you dream of, but negativity gets in the way.  Whether it’s from yourself or those around you.  It’s time to address the shadows, so you can start to receive your manifestations.
What are the shadows telling you?  Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

Curveball Coming!

Did you get a curveball thrown your way?  Something that you completely didn’t expect.  Or maybe something that you’ve been trying to avoid, and you received some news about.
It can be upsetting or challenging to get some news, and other times you’re jumping for joy that it happened.  Either option can change your life for better or worse.  Sometimes what you need is to take a step back and gain a little perspective.  Or maybe you’re being triggered and meant to confront it, so you can address it and become more empowered in your life.
Triggers are a challenge.  They’re meant to teach you something, but at that moment all you can do is think or feel what’s happening.
You don’t want to deal with it right now.  It’s not the time.  It’s not the place.  You have other things to do.  There are a number of reasons why.  Life will normally trigger you at the worst possible moment.  A conversation that will leave you emotional right before you need to be somewhere.  A difficult moment right in front of your co-workers.
You don’t want to show emotion in these moments.  You don’t want to seem defeated, angry, or name an emotion, but you’re meant to feel the emotion.  The emotion is what will help you to process the trigger.
Give yourself time to process the trigger, develop an action plan and gain some perspective.  Confronting your triggers is the only way for you to truly become empowered.
Triggers aren’t mean to be an annoyance, they just happen that way.  Triggers are meant to move you forward.  Triggers are meant to move you forward.  If you choose to ignore your trigger, that’s ok too, but it will come back.  Until you confront it, it will always return.  And the next thing it will be a little more annoying.
What are you being triggered by?  Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.


One of the most challenging things you might ever do is to learn to surrender.  You have a tendency to want to control.  To control how something happens.  Eek!  You get an idea in your head.  You may even try to force it to happen in the way you’ve seen.  But unfortunately, that’s not how things work.  You’re meant to do some work to bring that something to fruition, but the unfolding isn’t up to you. What a bummer!  You can do, do, do all you want, and somethings just won’t happen no matter what you do.   It could be you’re trying too hard or not hard enough.  Like that makes any sense.
There’s a balance that you need to learn to walk.  The only thing you can control is yourself.  You can’t force someone else to change, no matter how much you want to.  You can’t control how someone else feels.  You can’t make something happen when you want it to.  It would be easier if it didn’t.
There’s a plan for you.  Things in your life don’t always operate on your timetable.  You need to learn to surrender.  Now you may be thinking how do I do that?  Each person is a little different.  Ultimately like anything else the more you work on yourself, the more things will start to fall into place, and you won’t want to control the outcome anymore.
Surrendering is a practice.  It’s a place within yourself that is confident.  One that knows that things will happen as they’re meant to.  One day you may do well, the next might be more challenging.  The practice isn’t always easy.  It’s something that you work towards.  You learn to work through your fears, your desires, and your pride to open up and allow courage to enter your life.
Have the courage to surrender to your dreams.  Work on yourself.  Feel comfortable within yourself.  What you want will come, it may not be in the package you envisioned or happen how you would like, but it will come if you can step back and surrender.
What do you need to surrender?   Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

It’s Time To…

What do you want 2021 to look like?  A lot of the structures in your life were demolished in 2020.  You can build something new.  Something different.  Are you ready?
It’s so easy to get stuck in the mindset of poor me.  Things never seem to work out for me.  But you don’t have to live there.  You can create something new.  Something different.  You can build a life that you love.
Maybe you’ll be one of the fortunate ones and with a snap of your fingers, it will be different.  But let me tell you a secret, it rarely happens that way.  You must process your old life first.  How did you end up where you are?  It’s not an easy process.  There’s a reason that people stay the way they are.  It requires work and effort.  How bad do you want it?
Are you willing to take the leap?  Are you willing to put in the work?  It would be easier if things did just magically happen.  You must demonstrate how badly you want it. 
The lessons that you’ve experienced have made you who you are.  You lived through them for a reason.  They’re part of your life’s journey, but you don’t have to stay there.
We can get guidance from our intuition, oracle/tarot cards, astrology, numerology, etc., but ultimately you have the final say over how your life turns out. It’s yours to live as you wish.  So, what are you going to do?
Every change starts with a small step.  You can do this if you want to.
It’s never easy to move past your fear or swallow your pride, but there’s so much joy on the other side knowing that you did something that terrified you and it turned out ok.
A leap of faith is challenging, but you must have hope.  Be optimistic that your world can be better.  It can be what you want it to be, the effort is up to you.
Do you ever have a thought that doesn’t leave?  A thought that says you should do this.  Start there.  You don’t have to change everything overnight.  Work through the pain and see what lies on the other side on your timetable.
What effort are you willing to put into changing your life?   Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

I Don’t Want to Be Me

Do you ever have days where you want to be someone else?  Anyone else?  You want to live a life that’s easier?  Most of us do at some point, but what does it mean.  That depends.

Do you have feelings of jealousy or envy?  You want what they have.  They seem to have a picture-perfect life.  Even those people who seem to have it all together, experience pain.  They may be deeply in debt.  Things aren’t always what they seem.

You want to live a life that’s easier?  The question again is why?  Some of us have chosen more challenging lives for a reason, but again things aren’t always what they seem.

Your life is based upon your perceptions and the reality of what you think life is.  You may see other people in relationships and you’re still single and ask, what am I doing wrong?  Why am I not in a relationship?  Or you might see people in jobs that they love, and you hate your job?  Why can’t I love my job?  The answer is that you can.  You can experience that type of life.  You can’t become a different person, but you can.  You have the power to make things different if you want to, but this goes back to the matter of choice.

You should start with a period of reflection.  Examine your life.  How did you end up here?  The second question is more complicated, why did you get here?  So back to the relationship example, maybe the answer is that someone else isn’t able to love you if you don’t love yourself.  Or maybe you can’t see that people already love you, but you don’t allow it to come through your walls.

The job example.   Maybe you’re not doing the right job.   You dream of doing something else, but you need to take a leap and start pursuing it.

What we resist persists.  We keep being shown lessons until we start to see the truth.  Until we start to act.  Only then can we truly begin to change our lives.

You’re being shown these things for a reason.  You can have a different life.  But what life would be yours?  It will be based on you and your experiences.

What are you being shown that your life could be like?  Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

Mirror, Mirror on The Wall

Mirror, Mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?  This is often the way we think of mirrors.  As a way of seeing ourselves as we are, but what if there’s another use of mirrors?

Mirrors in the energy world can be used to bounce energy on to another.  It’s this use that I’m speaking of now.  In the psychological world, this phenomenon is known as projection.

As an example, do you ever complain about someone in your life being a slob?  The idea behind project is that you need to take a closer look at your own cleanliness tendencies.  You could literally be a total slob (hoarder) or you may just need to examine an area of your life.

The areas of our life that we tend to complain most about are the areas that we need to work on. As human beings, we tend to “project” these areas on to those surrounding us, typically to the most significant person in our life.

Another example, does it often feel like you have the same problems with people repeatedly.  It’s another perfect example of projection.  Sometimes you reach a point where you need to look at the common denominator.  No matter how difficult it might be to hear, sometimes you reach a point where you have to accept that it has something to do with you.

To truly grow as a person, you have to work on yourself.  Nobody is perfect.  It’s always easier to moan, complain and blame others for our problems, than to change the obvious.  It takes work and effort, but it’s well worth it to change the problem and dialogue.  It won’t normally change overnight, but yes, it can change.  So, what are you going to do about it?

What are you projecting on to others?  Let me know.  Do you want to know more about what I do?  Click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.
