Time for Energy Shifts

There are 4 planetary sign changes coming this week, so be prepared for the energy shifts.  The astrological new year and spring also both officially arrive this week.  Yay!  Are you ready for spring?

Two planets will enter the sign of Aries, Mercury, and the Sun.  Mercury goes first on March 19 at 12:24 am.  Be ready for your conversations and thinking to take on a new tone.  They have the potential to be more energetic, quick, and direct, but they can also be more impatient and aggressive.  The Sun will enter the sign of Aries on March 20 at 5:24 pm.  The Sun will bring a new beginning.  If you’ve been thinking about being a pioneer, this is a great time to initiate something new.
Pluto will test the waters in the sign of Aquarius starting on March 23 at 8:13 am.  Aquarius is an air sign that prefers the logical and scientific side of thinking.  It can also be idealistic, independent, and objective.  Aquarius also governs technology and community.  Technology and community may become part of the societal focus until it shifts next in 2043 (Pluto will retrograde back into Capricorn from June 11 to January 20).
Finally, Mars leaves the sign of Gemini where it has been since August, and enters the sign of Cancer on March 25 at 7:45 am.  Mars will tap into his supportive side until July 1.  You may want to spend more time working on domestic matters or being more nurturing.   
Remember this is a lot of energy, so take some time out for yourself.  Rest and relax.  It can be tempting to be impulsive, especially with the Aries energy, but if you need a time out, take it.  Remember to take care of yourself first.
How are these energy shifts impacting you?   Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?

Are you Exhausted?

Have you just been feeling exhausted lately?  You have nothing left to give even though you have so much to do.  You’re not alone.   Unfortunately, the energy this week will leave you feeling the same way.  Exhausted, stressed and confused.  Like all things in life, this is just a chapter, and it too will be coming to a close, but first boundaries are important.

This week’s energy includes a lot of Pisces energy.  This can be a great time for creativity, but it can also make you want to escape from reality.  The world is a confusing place and you just want it to stay the same.  You want to know what’s going on.  You will, but not quite yet.
Mars in Gemini will square Neptune in Pisces on March 14 at 7;39 pm.  Mars has been having some trouble getting traction and is still having to do things twice.  This square might get something moving, but it could be a challenge to want to get moving.  The next day, the Sun in Pisces conjuncts Neptune in Pisces at 7:39 pm.  This could be an opportunity to be creative and tap into your artistic side.
March 16 there’s a lot of energy, so it could be stressful and lead to your exhaustion.  Mercury in Pisces will conjunct Neptune in Pisces at 1:13 pm.  Be kind with your words.  Have compassion for your fellow humans.  People seem to be at their breaking point.  The Sun in Pisces will Square Mars in Gemini at 2:10 pm.  Mars just wants to go and get something done and may get frustrated.  Venus in Aries is Square Pluto in Capricorn at 3:59 pm.  Venus is checking in with Pluto one last time before its move into Aquarius on March 23.  Is there one last detail that you need to feel before the energy switches?  The day ends with Venus entering Taurus at 6;34 pm.  Venus will be moving into her ruling planets.  She feels at home in the safety, security, and beauty of Taurus. 
On March 17 at 12:49 am, Mercury in Pisces will Square Mars in Gemini.  Is there a conversation that needs to take place so that you can begin to move forward?
Here are some takeaways from this Gemini- Pisces energy.  Be curious.  Gemini loves to learn.  It can be challenging to do things multiple times, but know that each time will teach you something.  Pisces loves the mystical and spiritual aspects of life, but it also craves time alone.  Take some time to rest this week.  Get plenty of sleep.  Your body needs the rest, take it.  There’s nothing wrong with taking some time for yourself.
How can you take some time to rest?  Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?

Spontaneity & Healing

The last dregs of February and the dawning of March are here.  What does that mean?  Big changes are coming, but first it's time for spontaneity and healing.

March 2 is going to be a big day.  It begins with a conjunction between Venus in Aries and Jupiter in Aries at 12:36 am. Like was talked about last week, Venus in Aries is impulsive and prefers an immediate response.  Jupiter will expand that energy and make it bigger.  It could be a big start to something new or you may have to reign in yourself or those around you to keep in check.
At 9;34 am, Mercury in Aquarius conjuncts Saturn in Aquarius.  Saturn is checking in with Mercury one last time before it moves into Pisces.  Is there something that needs to be said about your future?  Do you need to think a little bit more about your new plans before they go into place? 
Mercury enters the sign of Pisces at 5:52 pm.  It’s time for Mercury to get in touch with his intuitive side.  Look for your artistic or creative side to take over or maybe you need to feel what someone else is thinking.  These are areas where Mercury in Pisces thrives. 
On March 3 at 12:48 pm, Venus in Aries will conjunct Chiron in Aries.  Is there something about yourself that you need to heal in order to move forward in your plans?  This is a great time to use the Pisces energy to connect with your inner voice and the Aries energy to start something new.
What do you need to initiate or heal in your life?  Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?

Turning A Corner

It’s nearing the end of February.  Change is in the air.  The end of a chapter is upon you.  How you choose to end that chapter is entirely upon you.  Do you turn left or do you go right?  There’s no right or wrong answer, but the answer could determine the beginning of your next chapter.

Venus leaves the sign of Pisces and enters Aries on February 20 at 2:56 am.  Venus has completed her annual cycle through the signs and is ready to begin again.  She’s eager and spontaneous.  She’s ready to get going.  What’s next?
Mercury in Aquarius squares Uranus in Taurus on February 21 at 5:22 pm.  Uranus in Taurus has been changing our collective landscape.  You can see this transformation at the grocery store.  What products are currently in short supply?  It can be different each time you go.  Mercury in Aquarius is bringing a sense of challenge to Uranus in Taurus.  How do you see the future?  Can it be a better place for everyone?  What do you need to feel safe and secure in a new environment?
The month of March will shift with sign changes of Mercury, Saturn, Venus, Sun, Pluto, and Mars.  That’s a lot of energy-shifting gears.  With both Saturn and Pluto changing signs, chapters will be ending and beginning.  A new area of your life will be highlighted.  A new corner is right around the horizon.  Do you leap now or do you leap later?  There’s no right or wrong answer, but sometimes if you wait to take the leap, the universe will give you a shove. 
It's not fun when the universe has to push you.  Your ending is often more dramatic than it needed to be, but the universe needed to get your attention somehow.  Try to take the leap on your own.  It’s time to turn the corner.
What are you ending and beginning?  Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?

Polarity of Needs

Have you ever noticed that sometimes just when you decide that it’s time for you to take some time for yourself, some need comes along that directs your attention in another way?  That may happen when the Full Moon in Leo arrives on February 5 at 1;29 pm.
The Moon in Leo is all about having fun and wants the attention to be focused on you and your needs, but the Sun in Aquarius is more focused on the needs of others, your family, your friends, or just the collective at large.  Are you the type of person that puts your needs last?  Maybe it’s because you’re a mother and that’s expected.  Or maybe you’re the type of person that has a hard time speaking up for themselves and thinks that what you want isn’t as important as what others want or need.  The truth is that it doesn’t really matter what the reason is, but the fact that you put yourself after others’ needs are met. 
There’s nothing that says this dynamic is going to change overnight, but it has to start somewhere in order for it to change.  In order for you to give to others, you must have the energy to give.  I’m guessing that’s not always the case for you.  You may even feel like you’re running on fumes.  So today let’s start and give it to you.  What do you want?  Maybe you want to read a book, take a walk, exercise, eat healthier, the list goes on and on of possible options.  Pick one thing that you want for yourself today and give yourself permission to do it.  There’s nothing wrong with taking time for yourself.
Mercury will move out of the sign of Capricorn and enter the sign of Aquarius on February 11 at 6:22 am.  Mercury will speak more logically, analytically, and detachedly for the next zodiacal period.  It’s time to think things through.  How can you work with what you want and need to help meet the needs of others wants and needs?  There must be a logical solution.  Sometimes you just need to think outside of the box and the Aquarius energy loves to think outside of the box.  Aquarius energy is great for looking into the future and coming up with different possibilities.  Harness the energy and use it to your advantage.
How can you get your needs met while meeting the needs of others?    Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?

Running In Idle

Mars stationed direct last week, so why am I still in limbo?  Mercury and Uranus are still retrograde and clarifying the situation, but things will move a little bit more when Mercury in Capricorn stations to go direct on January 18 at 8:12 am.
How has this Mercury retrograde been for you?  Have you been getting little fixes and clarifications or are you getting some major downloads?  That depends on you and whether you’ve been doing the work.  Pluto is nearing the end of its stay in Capricorn and is having its last communications with Mercury before it signs off.  Have you been adjusting your structures?   Are there any additional changes that need to be made?  Pluto wants to know.  The Sun in Capricorn is checking in one last time with Pluto in Capricorn on January 18 at 9:44 am.  Pay attention to the necessary changes this week.  Uranus will station direct on January 22 and then there will be no retrograde planets.  It’s almost time!
The Sun will enter Aquarius on January 20 at 3:30 am.  It’s time to start thinking ahead and become more intellectual and logical about your plans. 
Sometimes in order to go forwards you have to look back.  It’s something that you’d probably prefer to not have to do and a lot of self-help gurus will tell you to avoid it and just have a positive mindset, but the truth is that you have to dig through the muck to find a diamond.  It doesn’t just appear.  Pluto transits are some of the most challenging transits that you will face, but you’re meant to walk away with something at the end.  Over the next few months, you will begin to see what Pluto in Capricorn has taught you about yourself.  There will be an adjustment period when Pluto retrogrades (May 1 to October 10), but you’re nearing the end of the finish line in some area of your life.  What do you still need to do?  This is the time to get clarity and plan for those edits.  Waiting doesn’t always make it better, it can sometimes be harder.  Just rip off the band-aid and see what happens.
What structures has Pluto been making adjustments to?  Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?

New Year, New You

Wow!  It’s another year already.  Time seems to fly sometimes.  There have been lots of changes over the last few years and 2023 will be no exception.  You had some time last week to reflect on the past year.  Now, what do you want to do with that information?  If you aren’t already making changes, are you ready to make them now?
The first transit of 2023 starts just after midnight at 12:25 am, when Venus in Capricorn conjuncts Pluto in Capricorn.  Pluto in Capricorn has been changing our lives' structures since 2009 and is getting ready to move into the sign of Aquarius in a few months.  Venus is checking in one more time.  Does she have anything to contribute to making your structure more beautiful?
On January 2 at 11:02 am, the Sun in Capricorn squares Chiron in Aries.  Are you ready to take action on changing the structure of your wounds from the past?  It’s never easy to address your wounds, but it is essential to your capacity to grow.  To truly become empowered, you have to go back and address the underbelly of your life.  It’s easier to just keep going.  You think it will just go away if you ignore it, but has it truly gone away?  If you’re honest with yourself, it’s still there, isn’t it?  Your biggest fears are still there waiting for you to address them.  Maybe it’s time to look at them differently.
Also on January 2 at 9:09 pm, Venus enters the sign of Aquarius.  Venus wants to explore the collective and examine it in a different way.  Can your life be beautiful in a different way than it was before?  Can you look at it from a new perspective and see the whole picture?  What’s the end result that you’re striving for?
The Sun in Capricorn is also revisiting a previous conversation with Mercury when it conjuncts it again on January 7 at 7:57 am.  What were you thinking about in early to mid-December?  That conversation is going to be revisited
Each year has new energy and this one is no exception.  You’re another year and another year wiser, but who are you?  If you don’t already know, maybe this is the year to start that exploration.
Who do you want to be at the end of 2023?    Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?


I hope you have a great holiday season!  The universe is giving you the gift of reflection this week.  The ability to reflect on the year that has been 2022 and what you hope to be in 2023.
Mercury goes retrograde in the sign of Capricorn on December 29 at 4:32 am and is in retrograde through January 18.  You may already be feeling the impact of Mercury stationing going retrograde.  It tends to start having an effect a couple of weeks before it’s the official station.  Shortly after Mercury stations retrograde it has a meeting (conjunction) with Venus in Capricorn at 8:58 am.  These are the only two planetary meetings this week, everything else is based on the moon which changes every 2 or so days.
As we close out the year 2022, Mercury, Mars, and Uranus will still be retrograde.  These planets are emphasizing the need for reflection as the year closes out.  The sign of Capricorn has provided you with many structural changes in your life over the last few years and Pluto is nearing the end of its cycle through the sign of Capricorn, which will start the shift into Aquarius in 2023.  What have you built since 2009?  Is it structurally sound or does it still need some changes?
As humans, we have a tendency to spend a lot of time in the past and the future and not as much time as we should in the present moment, but in this case, the universe wants you to look back and remember.  Look at where you were and how far you’ve come.  Looking back may sometimes be painful, but it doesn’t have to be.  It could be an opportunity to remember where you’ve come from and who you are.  You’re not the same person that you were at the start of 2022.  You change, you move on.  It’s easy to think of change as a bad thing, but it doesn’t have to be, it can just be change.  Life would be boring if it was the same thing every day. 
You were sent here to learn.  Winston Churchill paraphrased that those who fail to learn from history are condemned to repeat it.  Don’t be one of those people.  Take this week and look back on your history and be ready to move into 2023 with a clean slate.  
What are you reflecting on this week?     Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment? 

The Struggle

You’ve been wanting to make a choice or go in a new direction, but you just don’t seem to be able to move forward.  That’s the struggle this week.  I want to do this, but I’m not sure.
The week kicks off with Venus in Sagittarius squaring Neptune in Pisces on December 4 at 2:12 am, and then a couple of days later on December 6 at 2:05 am, Mercury in Sagittarius squares Jupiter in Pisces.  Neptune stationed to go direct on December 3, so you’re still feeling the effects of that planetary station.  The fog that Neptune can create is trying to clear, but it’s just not quite ready.  Mercury and Venus are still trying to make decisions.  The Sun in Sagittarius will oppose Mars in Gemini on December 8 at 12:42 am.  Remember Mars is still retrograde until January, so it’s not quite ready to take action, and Gemini is an air sign.  There are things to think about first. 
Venus in Sagittarius will then square Jupiter in Pisces on December 9 at 7:55 am.  Jupiter is going to expand the energy and make the choice bigger.  Can you see what you need to do now?  If not, it’s ok.  You may not be ready yet.
There are two sign changes this week.  Mercury enters Capricorn on December 6 at 5:08 pm and Venus enters Capricorn on December 9 at 10:54 pm.  The energy of Capricorn will bring some patience, practicality, and initiating energy to your environment.  What is the responsible thing to do will enter into the equation?
The making of possibly life-altering decisions is never easy.  The struggle of making that choice is quite real. It may seem at times like you’re the only one and that others just don’t understand.  Some people may not, but there are others that do.  Others have been there, made the big decision, and survived to tell the tale.  When you have to make this choice it can seem all-consuming, but when you finally allow yourself to make a choice, whether it’s good or bad, there can be a freedom that you’ve made the choice and are ready.  Be patient with yourself and know that when you are ready, you will make the choice.  The struggle will not have been in vain.
What choice are you struggling with?   Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?


Hope you had a nice break from the regular daily rhythm.  Whether you spent it with family, friends, or tackling items on your holiday to-do list.  It’s the to-do list that’s going to present you with some issues this week.
Mars is still retrograde in the sign of Gemini.  Gemini normally has at least two choices and with it being in retrograde, you may have four, six, or eight choices.  This week Mercury opposes Mars on November 29 at 3:30 pm and Venus opposes it on December 1 at 12:28 am.  It’s a week of negotiating between those choices.  Do you want this or do you want that? 
Mercury in Sagittarius can be known for its frankness, so there could also be some bruised egos amongst others as you’re negotiating these options.  It’s important to gather as much information as you possibly can to make an informed choice.  With Sagittarius energy, it can be really easy to be impatient and think that you know better.  Let that Gemini energy of curiosity out.  Ask questions.  It’s important to not jump to conclusions.
Mercury in Sagittarius will also square Neptune in Pisces on December 1 at 8:08 pm.  You may not be seeing things as clearly as you should in order to make a choice, but Neptune will station direct on December 3 at 7:15 pm.  Another planet is moving forward, and more pieces will come together.
Have some patience and remember that negotiations are essential right now.  You might not get everything you want, but you could come close if you can be open to the possibilities.
What are you negotiating for right now?Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?
