Mind Games

I don’t know about you, but I’m not a fan of mind games and right now, it feels like you’re involved in one great big mind game with the universe.  Mercury in Cancer is opposite Pluto in Capricorn on July 18 at 3:01 am.  And the Sun is opposite Pluto in Capricorn on July 19 at 9:39 pm.  The good news is that Mercury will enter Leo on July 19 at 8:35 pm and start to provide you with some mental clarity.
But for now, mind games are all around.  It would be easier if people could just come out and say what they’re thinking, but that’s not the case for most people.  The way each person communicates is different.  Some of us skate across the surface, just say whatever comes into our heads, or dives deep and wants to uncover every psychological element of what you said.
However, mind games can make even the most mundane of communication challenging.  Not only are you having to figure out why they said, or did what they did, but why.  Is there an underlying element to their words?  With Pluto involved, there’s always a wound or an opportunity for transformation and rebirth, but you have to deal with the wound first.  So before you get too frustrated or angry, try to look at the situation for a different perspective.  Why did that happen?  Does it have to do with you, or does it have to do with them?  What can you learn from this moment?  
Once Mercury moves into Leo, things will become clear and then you can move forward, but until then, try and fit the pieces together.  You’re being shown this mind game for a reason.  Mind games are never easy, but they provide us with an opportunity if you can take a time out and look at it from a different perspective.
What mind game is the universe presenting you with right now?  Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

New Ways of Thinking

It’s so easy to think about the same way that you always have, but what if that way is outdated?  Just because you’ve always done things that way doesn’t mean it’s the only way. The universe is encouraging you to think about things differently right now.
There is a Full Moon in Capricorn coming on July 13 at 2:38 pm.  The Full Moon is also in opposition to Mercury in Cancer.  You’re being guided to let go of these ways of thinking that no longer serve you,
Look at the world around you.  There are lots of ways of thinking or looking at things that now seem outdated.  The rights of women that many of us are facing are outdated compared to when many of our laws around the United States were implemented: the rights of minorities, the rights of people of different sexual orientations, the classification of gender.  The list goes on and on.  It’s time to take a look at what it means to be a person with rights. 
Look at your opinions.  Are your opinions more valid than other person’s opinions?  No, they’re opinions, not facts.  What you value may be different than what someone else values, does that make it any less valuable to you?  
Each one of us is being asked to have a new perspective.  It’s so easy to just continue down the path of life and do things the way you always have, but has that way of doing things made you happy?  There are so many unhappy people, and you could be one of them.  A new way of doing things can seem bad or overwhelming, but what if it’s not? 
As I have made changes in my life, I have had to look at what I have thought and been taught.   Every time fear has come to the surface, the same question runs through my mind.  What if I can’t?  And then I get the response, but what if you can? 
You don’t have to act right away, you can and should take some time to process a new approach to thinking, but next time what if comes to your mind, try and flip it and see what happens.  If it doesn’t work, you can always do it differently, but maybe, just maybe, it will work, and you could be on your way to a new approach to life.
How can you think differently? Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.
