What the ****!!!!

This has the possibility to be one of those weeks, especially if you have placements in Taurus, Scorpio, and Aquarius.  The line from Jurassic Park, “hold on to your butt” comes to mind.  The Sun, Venus, and Mercury, all in Scorpio, are traveling in a pack at the moment and are interacting with Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus this week, plus we have a Lunar Eclipse on November 8.
Venus in Scorpio kicks off the week squaring Saturn in Aquarius on November 7 at 2:34 am.  How are your passions conflicted by the limitations of the collective?  Both are fixed energies but are different in their approaches.  Scorpio has a deep and intense energy, while Aquarius is more logical and scientific.  How can those two energies find a way forward? 
On November 8, we have a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse (Moon in Taurus Opposite Sun in Scorpio) at 6:02 am.  Not only is it an Eclipse, but here in the United States, it’s Election Day.  How is the process of releasing what no longer serves you going?  Are you making progress?  The universe wants you to grow and will do whatever it can to get your attention.  The process of death and rebirth is happening.  The process of dying and growing can both be painful.  Life isn’t meant to be easy.  You are here to learn.  What are you being shown?
A few hours later the Sun in Scorpio is Conjunct Mercury in Scorpio at 11:42 am.  They are reporting to each other on how this process is going and coming up with a plan for the rest of the week.  At 9:40 pm, Mercury in Scorpio will oppose Uranus in Taurus, and then on November 9 at 3:26 am, the Sun will Oppose Uranus.  Are you being awakened to a new reality?
Just a note on the election.  What do you value?  What is the most important to you?  The tensions in the sky (Squares and Oppositions) have two different points of view.  This has been evident this Election season and will definitely be evident on Election Day.  Have some patience for this process to unfold because things aren’t going to be known right away. 
We revisit the energy from the beginning of the week when Mercury in Scorpio Squares Saturn in Aquarius on November 10 at 2:52 am and then the Sun Squares Saturn on November 11 at 3:04 am.  How does the tension in the way that you communicate change and what are you being shown?  The Sun is trying to tell you something.  Can you see it and what can you do about it?
What are these tensions teaching you?  Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?

Deep Dive Into the Shadow

The season of Scorpio kicks into motion this week as Venus, the Sun, and Mercury all enter the sign of Scorpio.  Also, there’s a New Moon Eclipse in Scorpio on October 25 at 6:49 am.
Scorpio tends to be a sign that is misunderstood.  Most people don’t like exploring the darkness of life and that’s where the sign of Scorpio thrives.  Scorpio likes to explore the shadow side of life.  If you can meet your shadow and work on the triggers that arise, you can find the areas that you need to address in order to grow.
A lot happens astrologically this week, especially Sunday.  Saturn stations direct on October 23 at 12:07 am.  Saturn is still in the sign of Aquarius.  In general terms, Saturn is addressing the collective and the direction we’re headed since our structures have been dismantled.  What does the future look like?  Saturn has been revisiting the past while retrograding and is now ready to examine what it learned.
Venus will enter Scorpio on October 23 at 3:52 am.  The planet of love and beauty will drop into the underworld, where the Sun joins her a couple of hours later at 6:36 am.
Jupiter will retrograde back into Pisces on October 8 at 1:10 am.  Jupiter is still looking back and is re-examining what was going on before May 10.  It’s giving another opportunity for expansion, which won’t happen until Jupiter goes direct on November 23. 
The last of the personal planets, Mercury, will enter Scorpio on October 29 at 3:22 pm.
It can seem terrifying to confront your shadow, but the only thing to do with fear is to move through it and face it.  Otherwise your fear can control you.  It’s time to meet your shadow and follow the triggers.
What is your shadow telling you? Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

Challenges vs. Gifts

Sometimes life is more challenging than others.  This week is dependent on your viewpoint.  There are a couple of oppositions between the planets in Aries and the planets in Libra.  This is a tug-of-war energy.  Which viewpoint will win?  The need to be impulsive or the need to think things through.
The week starts off with Venus in Libra Opposite Chiron in Aries on October 10 at 9:15 am.  Venus is how you love and Chiron is your deepest wounds and how you can heal them.  Do you have wounds around love to heal?  Everyone does.  It’s more a matter of how deep they run than if you have one.  Do you allow these wounds to control how you love, or is it a chance?  You were sent here to heal these areas of your life, it is your choice if you take the leap and work on it or if you continue to let it lead you around. 
This Mercury retrograde has shown you where you are going next.  Mercury will enter back into the sign of Libra on October 10 at 7:51 p.m.  Have you been implementing what you learned?  Mercury is ready.  Mercury is trying to find the balance between the old and the new, the challenge and gift.  Sometimes with Mercury, it's just a matter of how you think about it.  Mercury will have its first aspect back in the sign of Libra, on October 12 at 3:24 am when it opposes Jupiter in Aries.  Jupiter is going to expand the thoughts that you’ve been having, just in case you haven’t been clear.  Planets when they’re in Libra, can often second guess themselves, and make it difficult to make a choice.  Jupiter wants to make it easier for you to see where the problem lies, so you have a harder time staying put. 
Also on October 12 at 1:46 am, Mars in Gemini is squaring Neptune in Pisces.  There’s a tension between remaining in the illusion of Neptune in Pisces and seeing the duality of Mars in Gemini.  Have you noticed having to take action twice?  With Gemini placements, this is a common theme.  Once you act and then you have to act again, either because there was an error or it just didn’t go quite according to plan.
It’s important to remember that life is all about how we view it.  Do you let the challenges knock you down or get back up?  Can you see the gift in the hard times?  It’s rarely easy to see the gift at the moment, but it’s always there lurking in the background.  Diamonds don’t start out that way.  They are carbon deposits that are subject to high pressure and heat and begin to change form.  Just in case you ever need a reminder, you can be a diamond.  It’s just a matter of viewpoint,
Are you seeing life as a challenge or a gift? Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

Forward Motion

Finally!  Mercury retrograde is coming to a close and will station direct on October 2 at 5:07 AM.  Technology glitches and communications will begin to right themselves.  However, Mercury isn’t the only planet stationing direct this week.  Pluto will station direct on October 8 at 5:56 pm.
For the past few weeks, everything has felt like it’s been at a standstill while you’ve been revisited from your past.  What did your past reveal to you?  Are you headed in a new direction or are you still unhappy with the direction that your life has taken?  If you’re still not sure, don’t worry.  When the planets station either retrograde or direct, the energy becomes more intense. 
The North Node in Taurus is still asking you to grow and will be until July 2023.  Change is afoot and sometimes no matter how much you fight it, it’s easier to just go with the flow.  You won’t always know how things will turn out when you start them.  Sometimes you just have to take a chance. 
Mercury is back in Virgo until October 10.  Mercury is being analytical and practical right now.  Mercury doesn’t want to make any mistakes.  But life is all about the mistakes.  It’s how you handle them, that matters.
Pluto has been retrograde since April 29, 2022.  Pluto is the underworld or the shadow, but it’s also the power of transformation.  It’s how you can become empowered in your life.  Pluto in Capricorn has been changing the structures of your world and the world around you.  Pluto moved into Capricorn in November 2008 and will give you a sneak peek from March 24, 2023 to June 12, 2023 of Pluto in Aquarius.  It will enter Aquarius for an extended stay on September 3, 2024.  The collective is headed into these final degrees of Pluto in Capricorn.  It’s important that you lay the foundation now for the next phase of your life. 
You’re being pushed to make progress.  It’s time to start taking steps.  You have the option to go one step at a time, but it’s time for forward motion.
What do you taking steps on? Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

Helping Hand

The world can change overnight.  You may think you know your life's direction and then something happens.  Something that you knew might happen but didn’t see coming.  It’s always nice in those moments to have someone beside you holding your hand.
The Venusian energy of Libra is being felt.  Even though Mercury has retrograded back into the sign of Virgo, Venus herself is moving into the sign of Libra on September 29 at 3:49 am.  The Sun in Libra and Venus in Libra are also making their presence known in Opposition to Jupiter in Aries.  The Sun Opposes Jupiter in Aries on September 26 at 3:33 pm and Venus in Libra Opposes Jupiter in Aries on October 1 at 2:12 pm. 
What is important?  Is it the relationship to others or to the self?  You can’t do it all alone.  For some, it may seem like it’s all about the self.  Aries is the I AM.  Who are you?  But Libra is the other.  You cannot exist in life as a solitary being.  Sometimes you have to reach out.  This is one of those times.  Whether it’s to ask for yourself or to give help to others, or both.  Life means more with relationships in it. Who do you want to be?  How do you want to be known?  With these oppositions, we’re being nudged to remember the boundary between the two.  You can help others without giving up who you are.  You can be yourself without having to separate yourself from the world. 
When you have the opportunity, it’s important to lend a hand.  The world needs more kindness.  Each one of us needs a little help now and then.  Accept it and give it when you can.
How can you give or receive help? Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

Time for Balance

The Sun will be entering the sign of Libra on September 22 at 9:04 pm.  It’s time to reflect inwards and find balance as the seasons change.
The Autumn Equinox falls on the day when the Sun moves into Libra.  It is also the point where sunrise and sunset are separated by exactly 12 hours.  Daylight will start to decrease and you will begin preparing for the winter months here in the northern hemisphere.  In times past, it was a time to reflect on the harvest and what you had accomplished.  What did you still need to do before the cold set in?  Your perspective is about to change.  It will no longer be a time of planting and harvesting, but hibernating.  Animals still do it today.  You would determine what you needed to survive during the winter.  You spent the majority of the year preparing for this upcoming season.  You still have time to prepare.
Times have changed.  Our food source no longer follows the same models that it once did, but these ancient systems can provide you with clues for what you will begin to experience. A time for reflection.  What do you still need to modify so that you can bring more balance into your life?  Libra is all about relationships as well.  Are your relationships in balance?  What can you do to bring more peace, love, and harmony into your world?   The time to explore the darkness of the winter months is coming, but for now, you still have time to initiate changes and modify what you’ve been working on.  What do you still need to do to accomplish your goals? 
Mercury is still going retrograde in Libra.  Mercury in Libra will be opposing Jupiter in Aries on September 18 at 6:34 pm and will be Conjunct the Sun in Libra on September 23 at 2:50 am, a few hours after the Sun moves into Libra.  Venusian values will take center stage and ask us to look at what we love.  Do you love the direction that you’re headed in?  If not, this is the time to learn a new perspective and possibly make a change.
You need balance in order to move forward in life.  Life can’t be all work, no play, or all play and no work.  There are two sides to every coin.  If your life is too skewed in one direction, this is the time to right the ship and find balance.
Where do you need to find balance?   Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

Going Backwards

It’s time for another sign change this week and Mercury goes retrograde.  Hold on to your hats.  Venus will enter the sign of Virgo on September 5 at 12:05 am and Mercury will station to go retrograde on September 9 at 11:38 pm.
There will definitely be a change in your heart space when Venus leaves the sign of Leo.  Venus has been working on connecting to her heart space and figuring out what she wants.  When Venus enters the Virgo it’s time for her to become cautious, reserved, perfectionistic, and practical.  Venus in Virgo wants to determine the details.  It’s a time for you in go within and determine how to be of service. 
Many people are afraid of Mercury retrogrades, but it helps when you know it’s happening.  Although it helps, it doesn’t mean that you may escape the technical glitches that can take place.  Mercury is currently in Libra and will retrograde back into one of it’s home signs of Virgo.  Mercury is currently searching for balance, peace, harmony, love, and justice. How can your mind and your words best be of service to yourself and others?  Mercury retrograde is also the time of reviewing, revising, revisiting, and any other word that starts with re.  It’s time to go backward.  Are you on the right track?  Do you need to make any adjustments? 
With retrograde planets, you may also find that people from your past return.  They will return to give you a new perspective or maybe even a second chance before it’s time to go forward. 
If you know your chart, look to see what houses Virgo and Libra are in.  It can help you see what areas of your life are currently in focus.  It may seem counterintuitive, but you often have to go backwards to go forwards.  This is one of those times.  You may be missing a piece of the puzzle that you need so that you can finish a chapter of your life.  You may receive an answer that you never expected. 
What is Mercury retrograde showing you?  Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

Make Sure To Think

Make sure to think before you act this week, especially on September 2, when Mercury in Libra Opposes Jupiter in Aries at 6;49 pm.
Mercury in Libra would rather not make a decision and Jupiter in Aries has a tendency to act impulsively and think about the consequences later on.  Because of these placements, it’s even more important than normal to take some time before responding. 
There’s a tendency in the world today to act first and ask questions later, but what if this is one of those times where you should do the opposite?  The world around you is changing and you are meant to change with it.  Maybe the way that you think and act is meant to change along with it.  This point of Mercury in Libra, will be revisited 2 more times over the coming weeks because Mercury is going retrograde on September 9.  Are you noticing any issues that are coming to the surface?  This could be part of your Mercury retrograde story this season.
Your stories provide you with clues about what you’re meant to be working on right now.  There’s your own personal story in addition to the collective communities’ story.  Those two stories may tie closely together or they could be completely different, but if you look at the world around you, you may see that people have a tendency to act impulsively, especially on social media.  People will comment with whatever comes into their head whether or not they have all the facts. 
Thinking about something before reacting doesn’t make you weak, it’s part of what helps you to become a more enlightened person.  To see whether what someone else is saying has any truth or is it triggering you in the moment?  Why is what that person is saying triggering you?  Can you do anything to change the story?  Make sure that you think before responding this week, it could save you from having some major headaches later.
What story is rising to the surface that you need to think about?  Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

Why Isn’t It Happening?

You’ve probably been working on getting some clarity and trying to determine what path you’re going to take forward.  You may quit your job and start down a new path, but things don’t seem to be turning out quite the way you expected.  On July 26 at 2:13 am Mercury in Leo is going to be square Mars in Taurus and your impatience is going to begin to show if it hasn’t already.
You have created a timetable and a picture in your head.  This is what should happen and this is when it will happen.  The universe doesn’t work that way.  You can follow all of the signs and still want to know what is happening?  It’s incredibly frustrating, but it’s also revealing something.  The reveal, when it happens, will take you in an unexpected direction.
Be careful of the words that are spoken during this time.  They can be made impulsively and may only show part of the picture, but words once said can’t be taken back.  These words could create some controversy as a result. 
Mercury is going to square Uranus in Taurus a few days later on July 28 at 5:16 pm.  Mercury is ready to start scheming and Uranus in Taurus is looking to cause some drama and is reaching the point where it may just want to start over and burn it all to the ground.  Uranus is looking to create something unexpected and it may just come out of those ashes. 
It’s going to be a fast-paced week with some twists and turns.  Fire and Earth don’t get along particularly well, so pay attention.  Brace yourself for the ride.  It could be an enlightening one.
Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

Karmic Point

The early part of the week could feel relaxing after the energy of the last few weeks.  The intensity will give you a brief reprieve before it’s time for the first Karmic choice point.
Mercury is stationing direct on June 3 in Taurus.  You should have had some big reveals over the last few weeks.  Mercury has been telling you secrets and giving you information that you need so that you can make some big decisions.
On June 4, Saturn will station to go retrograde in the sign of Aquarius.  Saturn will remain retrograde until October 23.  Saturn is beginning to take you in a new direction.  The period of confusion and stagnation will come to a close and even though it may seem counterintuitive with a retrograde planet, Saturn in Aquarius wants to you explore your future.  What should it look like?  Is the life that you’re living, the one that you really want to be living?
You have a choice to make.  If you’ve been paying attention, you’ve been getting information about the direction and choices that you’ve made so far.  Do you want to keep going down that path or is time to choose a new one?  Choosing a new path is never easy.  It’s so much easier to continue down the known path, even when you’re unhappy. 
You’re here on this planet for a reason.  It may not always seem obvious, but it’s there.  The parts of yourself that can seem uncomfortable, maybe part of your mission in this life.  As a child, I always wanted to be like everyone else.  I wanted to fit.  I never felt like I belonged.  As I’ve gotten older, the harder I tried to fit in, the harder it was for me to continue down that path.  One day, I began to realize that I was never going to be like everyone else, I just had to learn to be me.  After years of trying to be like everyone else, I first had to figure out who I was.  But then, I had to learn to be me. 
Over the past few weeks, I’ve been getting more information about who I am and what has been holding me back.  Like you, I’m at a choice point.  I can make a different choice and grow or I can remain where I am.  I’m not entirely sure what that new path looks like yet, but I do know that I’ve had to release some expectations of where I thought I would be.  It’s a process and one that’s not entirely finished, but I’ve started to put the intention out there and make some new choices.  It’s scary, but in the end, it will take me somewhere I never could have expected.
What new path are you in the process of taking?    Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.
