Christmas, the Season Of…

What does Christmas make you think of? Is it the season of magic or do you feel lonely? Christmas can make you feel either one, but it is a time of opportunity where anything is possible if you allow yourself to believe in magic.
Magic doesn’t make sense and it’s not supposed to.  It’s supposed to just happen, like synchronicity or miracles.  No matter how hard you try to force something to happen, it just unfolds the way that it’s meant to.  You can have the best-laid plans, and something can throw everything off track, you can’t plan for it. 
Christmas is the season of light and giving. The season of Santa. You may know all about Santa, but the mythology of Santa Claus encompasses the importance of magic. The idea that one man can fly around the world and deliver presents to all the children in the world. All myths have an origin. Christmas didn’t begin as a season of commercialism, but one of giving to our fellow man.  Saint Nicholas, who some say is the originator of the traditions associated with Santa Claus, is said to have given away all his material possessions and wealth. He traveled around, helping the sick and the poor. The Christian version of Christmas is the day of Jesus Christ’s birth. Another story that focuses on the poor. A pregnant woman and a man who were looking for a place to stay to deliver a child. He is born in a stable because there wasn’t room for them in the inn.  Both origin stories focus on gifts to the poor.
Whether or not these origin stories involve supernatural forces will never be known and you don’t have to know.  It is the essence of the season that’s important.  The belief that anything can happen. The world can change from the actions of one person, and you might not even know it at the time. Make a little room for the magic this holiday season. Allow the essence of the season to remain with you this week whether you’re surrounded by loved ones or due to other reasons are spending some time alone.  The magic is what’s important.
What magic is coming into your life? Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

What Are You Feeling?

Feelings can be a challenge. How might you ask? Feelings can be a challenge to not only describe at times but sometimes more important to express. Unexpressed feelings can just end us as emotions that are stuck with nowhere to go. Over time those emotions can build up and may even come out in unexpected ways.
Did you grow up with feelings being expressed? For most of us, I would say probably not. Expressed emotions tend to make people uncomfortable. Like they did something wrong or something that they want to fix but can’t. Even at events, such as funerals, where are emotions are more acceptable, you may still have trouble with others getting to witness you cry.
The first funeral that I went to was for my maternal grandfather when I was 17. I remember that funeral for many reasons, one of which being the Ice Storm of ’98, but the other was one that stuck with me for any funeral that I went to in years to come. My grandmother had lost her husband of 57 years and I never saw her cry. The word stoic has always come to mind. Now come to find out, it seems to be a trait amongst the women in that family. Feelings had a place and in public wasn’t one of them.  I don’t have any idea what she felt behind closed doors, again those types of feelings weren’t meant to be revealed.
In this period of time that we're in, right now, our feelings are coming to the surface. Things that you might never have known about are being revealed. They’re being seen in a different light.  There may have been long-standing issues that you’ve been working on and another piece of the puzzle will fall into place.  As you move through this experience, remember one thing. Allow your emotions to come out, even if you’d prefer, they stay hidden.  A little trick that I’ve used is to watch tearjerker movies and television shows to allow myself to cry.  I may be crying over something in my own life, but there’s something freeing in the act of allowing it to come out through watching a piece of fiction. 
The other reminder is if you have the opportunity this holiday season, tell someone that you love them. It can seem like life will last forever, but that’s not always the case.  You never know where life will take you and it can take people to places where we can’t follow.  It’s important to state how you feel when you have the opportunity.  You don’t want to look back years from now and wish that you would have said something.  You may not always get an I love you in return, but at least those feelings aren’t hidden inside.  Feel any feelings that are rising on the surface right now. It’s an important phase in your growth as a person.
What are you feeling? Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

It’s the Season of Light!

Some of you might think it’s too early to be looking ahead to Christmas.  I start decorating right after Thanksgiving, so I’m not in that camp.  The Sun moved into Sagittarius late in the day on November 21. For me, the Sun moving into Sagittarius signals the beginning of the Season of Light.
Sagittarius is a sign of wisdom, but also of hope and optimism. Something that you and everyone could use a little more of this year. The switch from Scorpio to Sagittarius is one where the energy can be felt. The release from the intensity of Scorpio is a welcome bit of relief. We’ve just given thanks for what we have, and the Sun doesn’t move into Capricorn until December 21.  For me, it’s the season of driving at night and seeing lights on people’s homes.  Just that alone can make the world seem like a happier place.
With everything that has been happening this year, it’s important to occasionally take a time out from the hustle and bustle and trying to figure out where you’re going and just be where you are.  To live in the present moment. To be optimistic, but not set in your ways, for how life could be. Maybe the world could agree to disagree and accept you and your neighbor for who they are. We so want to be right that we may have lost sight of what is true, or even beyond what is true, and acting from a place of love and empathy for our neighbor. It’s a hard standard to live by sometimes. It’s so easy to get wrapped up in the goings-on of the day, but an ideal to hold nonetheless. 
So, during this season, when it can feel like consumerism has gone mad and every decision is about what you’re spending to show people that you love and care for them, maybe take a minor detour.  Spend time with the people that you care about and be appreciative of what you have. If life has taught us anything in the last couple of years, it is that life is fragile and can change in an instant. You can’t go back, no matter how hard you want to, and the future can’t be predicted. You only have this moment to do with as you may. Show the people that you care about how much and look to the light for answers.
What does this season have to teach you? Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

What’s Rising to the Surface?

What emotions have been coming to the surface for you? Are you angry or sad or don’t know quite what to think?  The same thing keeps happening. It’s eclipse season and anything is possible.
The nodal axis is the process of switching from Gemini – Sagittarius to Taurus - Scorpio, from mutable to fixed. If you know your birth time, it’s a perfect time to see where Taurus and Scorpio lie in your chart.  What might be coming up for you? I’m a Gemini Rising, so Scorpio is in my 6th house (the house of daily life and health) and Taurus is in my 12th house (the house of hidden things).  The houses contain more than just this, but for simplicity purposes, we will keep it basic. Before the eclipses even start, you can start to see things shifting. My life is shifting from a focus on me (1st house) and my relationships (7th house) to what’s hidden (12th house) and my daily life (6th house). 
There are things from my past that I have kept hidden or didn’t know about that are starting to come up.  What has been keeping me blocked from moving forward? Where do I want to go and what is stopping me? My fears have always played the biggest role in stopping me. From the time I was a child, the dark and mysterious (Scorpio Sun) have fascinated me but stepping outside of my comfort zone and putting my trust in other people has held me back. There were a number of people that let me down and unfortunately for myself, I paid more attention to what they said to me than the people who showed me that they loved me and cared about me. For much of my life, I chose fear over love. I was too afraid to put myself out there and go for what I really wanted. In the last few years, I’ve begun to unravel that thread.  I started doing something with my life that I love. Not listening as much to what other people think about what I do, but there’s still more.  I’m having to allow people to get to know the dark and mysterious me.  I have to let people in and get to know me.
Like anything, this isn’t a journey that happens overnight.  It’s a process.  None of us are perfect. Not you and not me. There’s something that we’re all working on.  The question is, are you doing the work or are you allowing your past to control you? My past controlled me for a long time. More time than I would like to admit, but little by little, the past can be let go of. The emotions can be released. One day you can think about the past without breaking down into tears. You can appreciate the moments that make up a part of who you are. There may still be a sense that you wish you had realized it earlier, but it’s ok.  You can change today.
What is rising to the surface for you? Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

Are You Feeling Alone?

Have you been feeling rather isolated lately?   Either by choice or the nature of life.  COVID-19 has changed so many people’s lives, it’s not particularly surprising that one of those maybe the feeling of isolation.
I have experienced isolation in many ways.  As a teenager, I was hurt by a friend and could no longer feel that I could trust people.  My method of coping was to hang out in my room and watch television.  I would live vicariously through other people’s lives, until one day I decided that it was time for me to venture back out into the world.  I still had trust issues, but the only way to move past it, is to try it, so I started trying to learn to trust people again.  It’s had its ups and downs over the years, but at least I have emerged from my room. 
When COVID-19 started, I returned to this pattern, but for a different reason.  The fear was still there, but it wasn’t an issue of whether I could trust people, but I was trying to protect myself and those I love.  I came out of full isolation mode in June of 2020 when I went back to work, but there was still a piece that felt that I needed to protect the people that I care about, so I went to the grocery store and to work and not too much else. 
Just within the last few months, I’ve started to emerge a little bit, I’m going shopping in stores again, fully masked of course.  In October, I went to my cousin’s wedding.  You either had to prove your vaccination status or provide a negative COVID test within 48 hours of the event.  I went to a hotel, with a bottle of disinfectant, just to be on the safe side, and nothing happened.  I stepped out of my comfort zone, and nothing had happened.  I started to imagine the possibilities.  Maybe life can return to some sort of normal.
The next week, I found out someone that I know and had encountered had come down with COVID-19.  I went back to the end of March 2020.  I quarantined in my room.  I was masked, if I had to come out and my bottle of disinfectant, went everywhere with me.  I passed 2 negative COVID tests before I emerged.  The stress that weighed on me that week is one that I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy.  All the what-ifs came to mind.  I had to protect myself and the people that I care about.
My story over the course of my teenage years, the past year, or the past month, maybe something that you can relate to.  It’s not unique and one that so many of you encounter.  How do you deal with the unexpected?  Do you run and hide?  Is there a reason for you to isolate and quarantine?  Either way, the result is the same.  The feeling of being alone. 
As an introvert, I need some time alone, but an entire week alone was a little more alone time than I bargained for.  There are people out there, that live this life every day.  It’s not the healthiest way to live and can lead to feelings of depression, even for the healthiest among us. 
What can you do to help someone who’s feeling alone or isolated themselves?  The answer may be felt like nothing, but human companionship is one of the necessities on this journey called life.  You need people around you to feel alive and guide you through the lessons of life.  This isn’t a time to isolate yourself from the traumas of the world, no matter how much easier it may be. 
If you are feeling alone, what can you do?    Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

Life On Repeat!

It’s Groundhog Day!  Wait, no it’s only October, it just seems like it.  Wake up and do the same thing day after day.  People react the same way, angry at the world.  How are you doing?
This is a time to heal the emotional wounds that are within you.  You can’t do this process for others, only they can do that.  But some days you have felt like a person’s punching bag.  People are acting out their frustrations, some quite literally, they are hollering at stores and restaurants when they don’t get their way.  They are right and know they’re right, there’s no room for conversation.
This is a time where everyone seems to be on edge.  The energy is quite high.  You may have entered a conversation meaning well but ended up involved in something you hadn’t anticipated.
The only person whose actions you can control is your own.  The best advice is to work on yourself.  Be as kind as you can.  There is never enough kindness.  Don’t take your stuff out on others and when you do, apologize.  Apologies are always appreciated.
Turn off the news and social media if it’s too much.  If you do decide to enter the fray, check the sources.  Be sure the information is right and not just an opinion that fits your point of view.
There’s a lot of work to be done.  You can pull yourself out of the vortex of Groundhog Day by making changes.  Small changes add up.  You don’t have to do what you’ve always done just because you’ve always done it.
Life is an experience that is meant to be lived.  You never know what’s going to happen next, no matter how much you want to.  No one and I repeat no one, is always right.  We’re meant to listen to other’s opinions and compromise in relationships.
Be kind even when you don’t feel like it.  You could make someone else’s bad day a little nicer.  It’s time to change our patterns.
What patterns do you need to change? Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

It’s A Time To Heal!

There’s been so much going on energetically.  What are you to do?  You’re being given information and guidance, the key is to listen and begin to heal.
Healing can occur on three different levels: the physical, the emotional, and the spiritual.  When you’re encountering an issue, you never know which plane the problem is on.  The key is to locate the issue, the plane then begin your work using whatever modality works for you.  Reiki and trauma work tend to be what works best for me, but you could be different.
If you can catch an issue early before it has settled and has time to cause physical problems, the better off you are.  It’s important to remember that most things don’t happen overnight, illness and healing included.
The universe has been giving you guidance.  Bringing secrets to the surface and revealing information.  What you do is up to you?  But you’re not mean to sit with that information forever.  You’re supposed to do something with it.  Why not begin the process of healing yourself?
Healing is a process.  It’s like an onion.  You’re going to encounter layer upon layer before you get to the core of the issue.  It took time to get you to this point and it will take you time to “heal” it.
It’s ok to take breaks along the way.  Healing doesn’t happen all at once and doesn’t always make sense, but it’s one of the most important gifts that you’ll ever give yourself.  The gift of healing gives you a better you.
What do you need to heal? Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

Growth Hurts!

Life seems like a challenge right now.  If it doesn’t hurt, you’re not doing it right.  Now is a time to grow and expand.  Growth hurts!
Think back to when you were a kid.  When you grew taller, you would be tired.   You would sleep more and eat more, but eventually everything would even out.
Growth in life is the same way.  It hurts.  You exercise for the first time, and it hurts the next day.  Each time you work a new muscle group, it hurts again.
When you’re expanding your knowledge base, there’s bound to be pain involved.  That doesn’t mean that you should run though, the universe will always find you.  The next time the lesson will be a little more complex.
It seems you may want things to stay the same, but that’s just not possible.  Or maybe you want someone to do the hard work for you.  That’s not an option either.
You came here to experience life.  Growth is a natural part of life.  You don’t just go from Point A to Point E, you must go through Points B, C, and D before you get there.
Even when you think you have tackled this lesson, there could be another layer to work through.  No matter how much you want to, life is a process, and it doesn’t always happen overnight.  The things that you desire the most you must work for.
Growth is hard, but on the other side of each obstacle.  It could be everything you’ve ever wanted.  Seeds don’t grow overnight.  It can take months or even years to get the desired result.  Keep working on it, you will get there and one day you will be in awe of how much you’ve grown.
What are you looking to grow? Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

Taking Action Yet?

Does it feel like suddenly, you’re just going:  You have a jet pack strapped on to you?  After all this time of seeking clarity and waiting, it’s now go time.
You’re meant to come up with a plan if you don’t already have one, and begin to execute the plan.  If you need help, ask for it.  There’s some energy of collaboration going on as well.
This doesn’t mean that things aren’t still shifting and changing around you, but it’s time to implement and try out your plan.  Nothing in this world is set in stone.  Adjustments will always need to be made, but it’s time to start.
This could be in response to anything.  Starting a diet, a new exercise plan, a new course of study, a new relationship, a new career, etc. Whatever it is that you’ve been looking to begin.  You will receive more information as time goes on but just start.
Starting something new can be a challenge.  You have your routine and your habits.  One missed day and you can have to begin the process all over again.  Starting something new is never easy.  All the what-ifs that come up.  What if it doesn’t work?  But the reverse side of the coin is, but what if it does?  Hold on to the what if it does as to begin to act and chart a new course.
You’re going to encounter bumps along the way, but how you deal with the bumps could change the outcome.
What are you going to start this week? Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

Which Way Do I Go?

Does it feel like 2021 has been all about making decisions?  It has.  You’re creating a new foundation for your life.  For that new creation to occur decisions must be made.
When you build a house or move into a house, lots of decisions must be made before you get to the finished product.  You’re still in process.  Not only are you in process, but all the outer planets are now retrograde, so decisions that you thought you’d made may come back up for reconsideration.
If you want your life to turn out differently, you must do things differently.  That can be a challenge to come to terms with.  You tend to want things to magically change.  You want your Prince Charming to show up one day and take all your troubles away.  It would be nice, but life isn’t like that.  Life presents you with challenges and difficulties to help you grow and evolve.
Today isn’t meant to be the same as yesterday.  This is your opportunity to reconsider your past.  What has it taught you and how have you reached where you are right now? 
If you are the same person at the end of 2021 as you were at the beginning, you’re doing something wrong.  What can you do differently?  It may seem like one small change can’t make a difference, but it could be enough to get the ball rolling.
It often seems like life is all about the result.  This is the dream, and it looks like this when it’s more about how do I reach the dream?  Be careful of being too dependent on the outcome.  You can beat your head against a wall for years, towards a specific outcome that might not happen.  Allow room for manifestation and magic to happen.  Miracles can happen, but you need to loosen up and allow them room.
What do you want your future to look like?  What steps can you take and what does the process look like?  It’s time to start.  Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.
