The Energy of Conflict

Conflict is never easy, whether it’s within yourself or with those around you.  But conflict is how you grow.  It wants you to decide.
This week the Sun and Venus are both in Libra and are having conversations with Pluto in Capricorn before they report to each other what they’ve learned.
The Sun in Libra Squares Pluto in Capricorn on October 19 at 9:33 am.  Not even a day later on October 20 at 2:03 am, Venus in Libra Squares Pluto in Capricorn.  Finally, the Sun and Venus in Libra meet up on October 22 at 5:17 am with a report.
The Sun in Libra wants to illuminate a situation, Venus wants to relate and make it better, and Pluto in Capricorn is demonstrating how the structure of your life can empower or transform your life.
What is holding you back from making a change?  Fear is normally a part of it, but that isn’t the entire story.  What is stopping you from moving ahead?  Some want to know the outcome to make certain that the correct decision is being made.  Some don’t want to disappoint or upset someone else.  Some know that the correct decision is a challenge and aren’t sure they’re up for it.  The only thing that you can do to stop fear is to go through it.  Try what scares you.  Growth is never easy.  Letting go isn’t easy.  But if you can find a way forward it can be rewarding and transform your life in ways that you’ve never imagined.
Where is conflict pointing you? Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

Forward Motion

Finally!  Mercury retrograde is coming to a close and will station direct on October 2 at 5:07 AM.  Technology glitches and communications will begin to right themselves.  However, Mercury isn’t the only planet stationing direct this week.  Pluto will station direct on October 8 at 5:56 pm.
For the past few weeks, everything has felt like it’s been at a standstill while you’ve been revisited from your past.  What did your past reveal to you?  Are you headed in a new direction or are you still unhappy with the direction that your life has taken?  If you’re still not sure, don’t worry.  When the planets station either retrograde or direct, the energy becomes more intense. 
The North Node in Taurus is still asking you to grow and will be until July 2023.  Change is afoot and sometimes no matter how much you fight it, it’s easier to just go with the flow.  You won’t always know how things will turn out when you start them.  Sometimes you just have to take a chance. 
Mercury is back in Virgo until October 10.  Mercury is being analytical and practical right now.  Mercury doesn’t want to make any mistakes.  But life is all about the mistakes.  It’s how you handle them, that matters.
Pluto has been retrograde since April 29, 2022.  Pluto is the underworld or the shadow, but it’s also the power of transformation.  It’s how you can become empowered in your life.  Pluto in Capricorn has been changing the structures of your world and the world around you.  Pluto moved into Capricorn in November 2008 and will give you a sneak peek from March 24, 2023 to June 12, 2023 of Pluto in Aquarius.  It will enter Aquarius for an extended stay on September 3, 2024.  The collective is headed into these final degrees of Pluto in Capricorn.  It’s important that you lay the foundation now for the next phase of your life. 
You’re being pushed to make progress.  It’s time to start taking steps.  You have the option to go one step at a time, but it’s time for forward motion.
What do you taking steps on? Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.
