Practicality vs. Creativity

Hope you got some time to rest last week and maybe even figure out what’s important to you.  There are two sign changes this week, so the energy is shifting.

Mars enters the sign of Virgo on July 10 at 7:40 am.  The planet of action is entering the sign of perfectionism, industriousness, diligence, and practicality.  You may be finding it challenging to get things done while Mars is in the sign of Virgo, you may have to double and check everything to make sure that it is just right.  It could also keep you from being impulsive with your actions and make sure this next step is one that you want to take.

Also on July 10 at 4:48 pm., Mercury in Cancer Opposes Pluto in Capricorn.  The ideas coming to fruition might have to take a backburner to whether or not they are structurally sound.  That’s ok, write those ideas down anyways you may come up with a solution at a later time.

Mercury enters the sign of Leo a few hours later on July 11 at 12:11 am.  Your thoughts might be more creative or you may feel more confident while Mercury is in the sign of Leo. Harness the power of the sun and let it help guide your thoughts to be more optimistic and fun.

The Sun in Cancer Squares Chiron in Aries on July 12 at 8:06 am.  Get out of your head and get in touch with your emotions.  Your emotions are trying to tell you something, but you’re spending so much time trying to be right or striving for the next thing that you might be losing something important in the process.  Dig down.  Cry if you need to.  Crying is a great way to release pent-up energy and expel it from your body. 

Which is it for you?  Practicality or creativity?  Maybe even a little of both.  Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?

What’s Important?

Happy Independence Day!  Enjoy some time off with family and friends and a little reminder about what’s important in life.  It can be so easy to get lost in day-to-day activities, but those aren’t what you remember at the end of the day.  It may be a seemingly tiny thing to you that makes all the difference in the world to someone else.

With all the hustle and bustle and high intensity of the last few years, a basic philosophy of being kind to others seems to be missing as part of daily society.  There’s such a concern with being right that being kind has been lost.  Venus in Leo is all about connecting to the heart and will Square Uranus in Taurus on July 2 at 10:34 am.  Uranus in Taurus is working on helping you to grow.  Maybe it’s more important to grow something that is meaningful and to be happy and fulfilled, than it is to have all the money or tangible items in the world.  It can be so easy to strive for riches and get things, but at the end of your life, you can’t take any of those things with you. Many people are starting new chapters in their lives, you may even be one of them.  Do something that will bring you happiness.  Happiness and love are two of the most important things that you can have in your life and their effects can be widespread.  A little bit of joy can go a long way to changing the world.

Mercury in Cancer will Square Chiron in Aries on July 6 at 12:28 am.  There may be some emotional processing that takes place.  Mercury has been revealing things and still is this week.  Pay attention to the little things, they may seem insignificant but could send you in a new direction.  Be careful not to get too stuck in your head.  It can be hard to say the words, but those words could be significant.

What’s important to you? Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?

Time for Family

It’s officially summer and with Mercury entering the sign of Cancer this week, it's time for family and some fertile ideas.

The week begins with Mercury in Gemini Squaring Neptune in Pisces on June 25 at 6:36 pm.  The confusion over your ideas remains.  It can be challenging to get clear, but the fog will dissipate later in the week.

Mars in Leo Squares Uranus in Taurus on June 26 at 5:23 am.  Mars in Leo wants to focus on you and Uranus in Taurus is still working on getting you to grow and it may even come in unexpected ways.  Which side wins?  It could be that you win in both ways, but you need to be open to ideas, which can be challenging when you have a fixed idea of what you want and how it should look.

Mercury enters the sign of Cancer on June 26 at 8:24 pm.  Your thoughts will be more about family, but Cancer is ruled by the Moon and the moon changes signs every 2 and a half days.  By the end of its time in Cancer, Mercury could have lots of ideas.  Then you just need to find the best way to implement them.

Neptune stations to go retrograde on June 30 at 5:07 am.  It’s time to look back over your spiritual path.  What adjustments do you need to make?  The time for reviewing and revising is now.

The Sun in Cancer conjuncts Mercury in Cancer on July 1 at 1:06 am.  The Sun is shining a spotlight on the Cancer areas of your life: family being a big part of it.  Enjoy some time with family and spend some time in the water.  Cancer loves the water.

Are you making time for family? Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?

Revisiting the Past

What did your heart teach you last week?  Those lessons will come in handy as you experience some intense energies this week.  Two planets change signs and one planet stations to go retrograde.  Let’s get ready to revisit the past.

On March 23 Pluto entered the sign of Aquarius.  The energy began to shift and change and Pluto began to transform a new area of your life.  On May 1, Pluto was stationed to go retrograde and has been working its way back into Capricorn, which it will re-enter on June 11 at 5:47 am.  Pluto will have this dance between Capricorn and Aquarius well into 2024, November to be exact.  You may be longing for Pluto’s impact upon one area of your life to be over.  Pluto transits can be some of the longest and most challenging, but once it’s done your life will be forever different and it could be for the better.

Mercury enters the sign of Gemini on June 11 at 6;27 am.  Mercury loves being in the sign of Gemini.  It’s time to be curious and social.  Also, keep in mind that Gemini is the sign of duality and there are two sides to every story.   Things can also happen in sets of twos. June 11 is a big day and there’s one more major transit for the day when Venus in Leo Squares Jupiter in Taurus at 11;40 am.  Venus just wants to have a little fun, but Jupiter is ready to grow something.  Try to find a way to be in the moment on the 11th if possible.  With all of this big energy, it can be easy to get wound up and emotional.  Being aware of the energy is half the battle.

Mercury in Gemini will Square Saturn in Pisces on June 15 at 12:09 pm.  You may have some difficulty deciding if you want to be social or just be left alone to your own devices and stay home.  Whatever you decide, it’s ok.  Just go with the flow.

Saturn stations to go retrograde on June 17 at 1:27 pm.  Saturn is getting ready to revisit some of the issues that have been rising to the surface since Saturn entered Pisces on March 7.  Revisiting the past isn’t always easy, but there is a reason in this case.  There’s something that needs to be looked at differently.  You’re being given the opportunity.  Will you take it?

What are you revisiting from your past? Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?

Heart vs. Power

Did you take time to rest last week? Ready or not, here comes another energy wave, and time it’s mostly about what’s in your heart.

Mercury in Taurus Conjuncts Uranus in Taurus on June 4 at 3:49 pm.  You may have some big epiphany about what you value or some sort of communication that you’ve been putting off could become significant and you have to get it off your chest.

Venus enters the sign of Leo on June 5 at 9:46 am.  It’s time to think about yourself.  Venus wants to have fun and be confident, but could also like to show off and be loud.  Leo is all about the heart.  Where is your heart leading you?  With Venus entering Leo, it’s time for a look in the direction of what is your heart telling you is the right path.  You typically know if it’s time to make a change and when things aren’t quite going how you expected.  Take a step back and look at it from a heart-centered place.  Does it alter the direction you need to go?

A few hours later at 12:05 pm, Venus in Leo opposes Pluto in Aquarius.  Aquarius wants to look ahead and Leo is interested in this moment.  What does your heart want vs. the power of the mind or the power of the collective?  Are you being pulled in two separate directions?  See if there’s another path, but when it comes down to it, remember that your heart doesn’t normally steer you wrong.  It’s normally your mind or fear that will get in the way.  So this week remember to live from your heart.

What’s in your heart? Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?

Mood Swings

This is a week of extremes and changes.  The week starts off with Mercury stationing to do direct and two sign changes.  Work with the energy that’s presented to you and see what you can make of it.  If you have to step away for a bit, step away and do something else.  There’s the tendency to want to get things accomplished, but sometimes it’s more about progress than accomplishment.

Mercury stations to go direct in the sign of Taurus on May 14 at 11:17 pm.  This Mercury retrograde has been about challenging the status quo and your comfort zone. The mental fog will begin to clear.  It can take a couple of weeks for it to clear completely though.

Jupiter enters the sign of Taurus on May 16 and 1:20 pm.  The planet of expansion is going to begin exploring some Taurus subject matters in a big way.  Money, food, and values are just a few of the basics.  These aren’t new subjects for you, as you’ve been exploring them over the past few weeks and Uranus has been in Taurus since 2019.  This is a great time to get back to nature and sit with the fertile energies.  See where they want to take you.

Jupiter in Taurus will have its first aspect the next day as it Squares Pluto in Aquarius on May 17 at 9:11 pm.  Jupiter and Pluto are having a conflict over what takes precedence, your values or your ideals. Mars will then leave behind the sign of Cancer and enter into the sign of Leo on May 20 at 11:31 am.  Mars will be happy to get fired up and think about ways to have fun.  Mars in Leo can be a little dramatic at times, but it can definitely bring some excitement to taking action.

Mars in Leo will then Oppose Pluto in Aquarius on May 20 at 11:17 pm.  Jupiter and Pluto had a conversation a few days ago, it's time for Mars to become involved.  Is now the time for you to take action on that dialogue?  Do you know which is more important to you?

How are handling the highs and lows as the energy swings?     Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?

The Energy Shifts

This week another planet goes retrograde and there’s another Eclipse. You will feel the energy shift and it’s trying to send you in a new direction.  What you do with the shift and the direction it sends you is up to you.

Pluto stations to go retrograde in the sign of Aquarius on May 1 at 1:09 pm.  Pluto will be retrograde until October 10 and will retrograde back into the sign of Capricorn in June.  It’s going to be time to re-examine the darkness of Pluto.  Are there still shadows that you need to look at.  You have a couple of opportunities to look at what you’ve been working on since 2008.  Look at the world since 2008, so much has changed.  Has it changed for the better?  Depends on how you look at it, but I think most would agree that the dark side of people has been exposed.  There’s no going back and hiding under a rock, but there is the option to do the work and see if the world can be a little bit better.  The work is never easy, but it’s the only way to truly grow as a person and as a community.  Which path do you want to take?

The Sun in Taurus conjuncts Mercury in Taurus on May 1 at 7:28 pm.  What do you value?  The sun and Mercury are shining a light on those things that you value.  Is what you value, how you spend the majority of your time?  If it isn’t, do you need to make some changes to either your values or how you spend your time?  The choice is yours.

Venus in Gemini will square Neptune in Pisces on May 4 at 1:40 pm.  Venus is looking to have a conversation about your spiritual side.  Are you looking to engage in that conversation or are you looking to avoid it altogether?

The Lunar Full Moon Eclipse in Taurus and Scorpio is on May 5 at 1:34 pm.  This is the last eclipse in the Taurus-Scorpio access and then the nodal access will shift this summer.  This is the end point for something that began about 18 months ago.  A chapter is ending.  How you respond to the end of this chapter is up to you.  The end could be big or it could be small, it depends on you.  Have you done the work or have you been insisting that nothing is wrong? 

Remember to take some time for yourself this week.  Do something fun or relaxing.  When the energy shifts are big it can be challenging to get a good night’s rest.  Do your best and remember to be kind.  Everyone else is experiencing the same energy as you, but in maybe a slightly different way.  The world could use a little more kindness.

What is the energy shifting in your life?   Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?

Review and Reform

It’s an eclipse week, the Sun changes signs and Mercury goes retrograde!  Oh boy.  Things are about to get interesting.

The solar eclipse happens at 29 degrees Aries on April 19 at 9:13 pm, just a few hours before the Sun moves into the sign of Taurus.  You’re wrapping up a story from October and November and beginning a new chapter.  This is the last set of eclipses before the Nodes change signs this summer.
The Sun enters Taurus on April 20 at 4:14 am.  The sign of Taurus likes things to be calm, steady, and stable, but rarely does life regularly take that course.  Life has twists and turns and things change, none of which are things that Taurus likes.  The good news is that Taurus can be patient and determined, which could come in handy as life throws you curve balls.  Try to be open to what curve balls have to tell you.
The Sun in Taurus will square Pluto in Aquarius a few hours later at 12;27 pm.  What is good for you versus what is good for the collective?  Are they at odds?  If they are, truly think about it.  You may be surprised that with a little tweak here or there, it could work for both parties.
Mercury stations to go retrograde on April 21 at 4:35 am.  Mercury is already in its shadow period, so you may have been noticing the technological glitches have already begun.  All the retrogrades are in earth signs this year.  What do you need to create a sturdy foundation in your life?  Retrogrades have a tendency to keep pushing the envelope, they want you to think differently.  If you’d go left, go right.   You have a few weeks.  Take this retrograde period as an opportunity to review and reform your foundations. 
What do you need to reform?   Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?

Productive Until You Aren’t

Mercury changes signs this week and communication should become clear and concise, but will it?

Mercury moves into the sign of Taurus on April 3 at 12:22 pm.  Taurus is the sign of calm, stability, and patience, but if you look at the shadow side of Taurus it can also be materialistic, possessive, and stubborn.  Taurus isn’t represented by the bull for no reason at all.  So communication should become clear and concise while it resides in the sign of Taurus, but will it?  Taurus can be a determined sign but will that work to your advantage?
Mercury has its first aspect after switching signs a couple of hours later.  Mercury will square Pluto in Aquarius at 2:55 pm.  This is Mercury and Pluto’s first meeting since both planets changed signs.  They’re coming up with a new game plan.  Once the plan and your focus have been decided, Mercury will begin to distribute the plan to all of the other planets.  Aquarius is a sign that is focused on the community and technology, but it can also be one that is forward-thinking.  What are you thinking ahead towards?
The last significant aspect of the week is the Sun in Aries Conjunct Chiron in Aries on April 5 at 6:18 pm.  The Sun in warrior mode meets the wounded healer.  What healing do you still need to focus on?  There is something that you still need to heal in order to move forward with your goals in life.  This is the time to examine those inner wounds and see if you can make a little progress in healing them.
Remember this week that it can seem like your life should be this way.  Everything could be lining up one moment, and your plan is off the rails the next.  It’s ok.  Life’s journey isn’t a straight line, there are twists and turns.  Go with the flow and see what happens as a result, but keep in mind that productivity is still important.  You want to accomplish things!  Don’t stop when you’re just about to cross the finish line.
What are you being productive on? Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?

You’re On An Adventure

It can be really easy when life just seems tough and you wonder which shoe is going to drop next to remember that life is an adventure and that’s why you’re here.  After the challenges of the last few weeks, this week is a reminder to be optimistic and try new things.

It can be easy to think that you have it all figured out and then life throws you a curveball.  You may even wonder if you knew anything at all.  Everyone has been there at one time or another.  Approach your adventure with an open mind and see where it leads you.
The  Aries energy of beginnings and adventure will figure heavily into this week’s energy.  Mercury in Aries will Conjunct Chiron in Aries on March 26 at 2:58 pm.  Has there been something that you’ve wanted to say and you haven’t been able to say it?  This may be the time to start a new conversation.  Mercury in Aries then has a conversation with Jupiter on March 28 at 2;50 am.  Try something new.  Learn something new.  Jupiter likes to go big, so this may be the time for you to go big.
Venus in Taurus Conjuncts Uranus in Taurus on March 30 at 6:26 pm.  What do you love?  What do you value?  There may be a sudden epiphany here that a direction you’ve been headed in may not have been totally right for you.  It’s ok to change directions in life, it happens to all of us. 
Life doesn’t always take you in a straight line.  Something that you think should take a few moments can take years.  There is no right or wrong on this journey.  There is only you and what are you learning.  Take a new step this week.
What adventure are you going to take?    Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?