Is It Good for the Needs of Everyone?

Two more planets are entering the sign of Aquarius this week, so it’s time to look at what is good for the collective.  Maybe over the next few weeks, we can push humanity forward a little bit.  It’s good to have a dream and even a little optimistic.

Mars enters the sign of Aquarius on February 13 at 1:05 am EST.  Mars is going to move into an air element which isn’t always the best place to get things accomplished, but it will force Mars to be itself.  Mars will want to be free and will allow others to be free as well.  Freedom is a prize highly sought after with Mars in Aquarius.

Mars in Aquarius Conjuncts Pluto in Aquarius on February 14 at 1:06 am EST.  It's not the best energy for Valentine’s Day this year.  Valentine’s Day is about power dynamics.  Who is in charge?  Even though both signs are in Aquarius and would normally be ok just letting the other person do their thing, Pluto expects that he is in charge. 

Venus enters Aquarius on February 16 at 11:05 am EST.  Venus in Aquarius can be detached from her emotions.  It could help you accomplish something where your emotions typically get in the way.  It could also be a great time to socialize.  Go hang out with some friends and have a little fun.  Be yourself.

Mercury in Aquarius Squares Uranus in Taurus on February 16 at 10:53 pm EST.  Freedom-Seeking Aquarius is having some trouble with the more traditional values of Taurus.  Mercury wants to look ahead and Uranus is in the moment.  Compromise may be necessary.

Venus in Aquarius Conjuncts Pluto in Aquarius on February 17 at 3:48 am EST.  Pluto has had conversations with Mercury, Mars and now Venus since moving into the sign of Aquarius in January.  Pluto wants to change humanity over the next 20 years.  He wants us to be concerned with our neighbors and look out for others.  Venus is ready to contribute to the conversation about love and beauty.  How can we be more concerned with those around us?

Is something that you’re working on good for the needs of everyone?  Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?

Break Free

After the energies of the last few weeks, you may just want a break, but it’s not quite over yet.  Are you ready to start letting go of what’s keeping you stuck in place?  Something has shifted in your life in the last few weeks.  Are you ready to let it dissolve and move forward?

The Sun in Virgo Opposes Saturn in Pisces on August 27 at 4:28 am.  The Sun and Saturn are conversing about how to shift an area of your life.  Saturn in Pisces is ready for it to dissolve, but the Sun in Virgo is holding on.  It wants to perfect and improve it, but is that possible?  Can it be resolved or is it time to start over?  It may be time to start fresh.

Mars enters the sign of Libra on August 27 at 9:20 am.  It’s time to take action on the relationships in your life.  Mars would rather think about only itself, but there’s another person that’s involved.  That person’s thoughts and feelings need to be taken into account before forward progress can be made.  Or maybe there’s another part of you that needs to be considered.  Either way, a balanced approach is the path forward for the moment.

Uranus stations retrograde on August 28 at 10:39 pm.  Uranus in Taurus has been making changes, but it’s time to look inward.  Uranus is the planet of revolution and sudden awakenings.  Uranus is tired of the status quo and wants things to be different.  Taurus wants things to remain the same.  Since 2019 Uranus has been in Taurus shaking up an area of your life.  When it finally leaves Taurus in 2026, things won’t be the same, no matter how much you try.  Uranus stationing retrograde is an opportunity to break free of the ties that keep you bound.  You can be free from what’s keeping you stuck and take a different route.  Just give it a try.

What do you need to break free from?  Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?