Variety is the Spice of Life

Have you been receiving clarity over the last few weeks about what makes your heart sing?  What do you really want in life?  Leo season is all about connecting to the heart.  The sun is in Leo until August 22, so the sun is shining a light on this area of your life.  Venus entered the sign of Leo on August 11, so now the planet of love and beauty has gotten in on the action, but Mars is leaving behind the sign of Taurus on August 20 and entering Gemini, the sign of communication.  It’s time to get social.
There hasn’t been a lot of air in the sky, so even though you may have been receiving clarity, you haven’t felt like sharing it with anyone.  That is about to change.  Gemini loves to chat and get excited about something new.  Geminis tend to thrive on change and are interested in doing many things at one time.  Mars is all about action and drive, so Mars is going to be helping you to speak about what you want. 
One thing about manifesting something that you want to bring into your life is that you have to speak it aloud.  Every time I have been looking for a new job, from the time that I begin to mention it, the universe starts working behind the scenes and I have typically had a new job within a few weeks. 
This is the time to start speaking about what you want to change.  What does your heart want as you move forward?  It may seem small or absolutely crazy.  It’s not a time for judgment.  What do you want?  This is the time to start manifesting.  Talk about it with your friends and family.  You never know where that one conversation might begin to take you.
The most challenging part of manifestation is letting it go.  You often want to control the outcome.  Try not to control the outcome.  The South Node in Scorpio will help you to let go of that need. 
What do you need to express?   Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

Climb Every Mountain

What are your goals right now?  Do you want to lose weight, or are you working on releasing something that no longer serves you?  On January 24, Mars moved into Capricorn where it will remain until March 6.  Mars is the planet of action, drive, and ambition, while Capricorn represents your foundation and structure.  It’s time to start laying the groundwork for what you’d like to accomplish. 

Capricorn wants to know the specific steps that it’s going to take.  It’s not going to happen overnight, you’ll have to put in the time and the effort to get what it is that you desire.  There are going to be obstacles along the way, but it can be done.  Mars in Capricorn has determination and willpower to achieve what it sets out to do.  Focus your attention on what you want to accomplish. This is the perfect time to get those items checked off your list.

Remember Venus and Pluto are still in Capricorn as well.  Venus also stationed direct on January 29.  The planet of love and beauty is no longer asking us to review the past but is starting to move forward again.  Pluto, the planet of death and rebirth has been rebuilding our foundations since 2008 and he’s not done yet.  It’s time to decide what you want and to take steps.  There’s a lot of Capricorn energy in the heavens, as there has been for the last couple of years.  The tests aren’t over.  The universe wants to know, do you want this?  Do you really want this and what are you willing to do to make it happen?  You’re still headed up the mountain.  You haven’t quite reached the summit.  There’s more to learn, but a house isn’t built overnight.  It takes time.  Start working on your steps.

What are your goals?    Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.
