March 5


Reflection and Wisdom

The month of March is full of planets changing signs.  Saturn is moving into Pisces on March 7 at 8:35 am.  Chapters are coming to a close.  Change is on its way or may already be here.  You don’t always have a say in the changes that are going to happen, but if you could, what would you do?

Saturn is a planet of Commitment, Discipline, and Maturity, while Pisces is a sign of compassion, empathy, and spirituality.  Saturn is moving out of its rulership into the ocean, where it will be uncomfortable.  Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac and can encompass the lessons of all of the previous signs.  So what have you been doing since April 7, 1996, when Saturn last moved out of Pisces?  This could give you some clues as to your focus.
Its important as chapters come to a close to take time to reflect and examine what you’ve learned.  My family experienced a death last week.  An actual ending to a life.  What does life now look like for those left behind?  What did she teach us while she was here?  Those answers will come soon enough, but for now, it’s important to experience grief so that we can begin to move through the map of consciousness (Shame, Guilt, Apathy, Grief, Fear, Desire, Anger, Pride, Courage, Neutrality, Willingness, Acceptance, Reason, Love, Joy, Peace, Enlightenment). 
It would be nice to say that you can skip over the pain in life, but if you’re truly living, it’s impossible.  It’s important to love and laugh.  Get in touch with your Pisces side and have some compassion for yourself and empathy for those around you.  Endings are challenging, but they also contain wisdom that can help move you forward into the next chapter.  If you need to, take some time to reflect on the ending.  Change is almost here.
What are you reflecting on?  Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?


Change, Pisces, Reflection, Wisdom

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