May 8


Fight the Good Fight

We’re still in Eclipse season. It’s already been a doozy energy wise and it’s about to get cranked up another notch.  On May 10, Jupiter will move out of the dreamy-drifty sign of Pisces into the sign of Aries, the warrior.  Also on May 10, Mercury will begin its retrograde period until June 3.
Jupiter in Aries is full of energy, it’s idealistic and impulsive, but it can also be arrogant.  Jupiter wants us to expand into the unknown, look beyond what’s comfortable and learn something new.  This is a great time to tap into Jupiter’s love of higher learning.
Mercury in Gemini is a quick, trickster energy that is telling secrets.  Retrogrades want you to look back at any issues from the past.  Review what’s happened.  Did it happen the way that it was supposed to?  Could you do something different?  Retrogrades aren’t typically the time to begin the change, but to examine what could you do to move forward.
It’s quite the energetic hotbed that we’re in.  You may be presented with an issue that thought you already dealt with and realize that you only dealt with one piece of it, or you just thought you did.  Our shadows are presented in cycles.  Just one layer is gone, the next pops to the surface to be faced.  Healing work is never done.
The second eclipse of the season arrives on May 16 and you’re being pushed to realize what doesn’t work for you any longer.  Are you ready to let it go?  The North Node in Taurus wants you to learn new things and grow.  With the Sun still being in Taurus, you’re being provided with some stability as you start to fight the fight.  The question with Jupiter in Aries is what type of warrior are you?  The type that does it with honor or one that’s hot headed.  It may not always seem like you have a choice, but you do. 
It can be easy to feel the heat of the moment and act impulsively but take a deep breath before taking action.  What is your ultimate goal?  Act from that place when at all possible.
What are you fighting for?    Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.


Change, Growth, Healing, Secrets, Shadows

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