May 7


Did You Have An Awakening?

Last week a chapter in your life ended and a new one is beginning.  Was there a trickle effect where the information slowly came to you or did you have a moment where it just happened?  Either way is possible and leads the way into this week.  You’re going to take that moment and move it forward.

Venus enters the sign of Cancer this week on May 7 at 10:25 am.  You may feel more sensitive and emotional or you could be very needy and moody.  One is the light side of Cancer and one is the dark side.  Venus enjoys being in Cancer.  This could be an opportunity for you to feel the effects of what has taken place.  Get in touch with your emotions.  Hear what they have to tell you and use it to your advantage.

The Sun in Taurus will conjunct Uranus in Taurus on May 9 at 3:36 pm.  Uranus, the planet of revolution and change, may just rattle your sense of safety and security.  You may have already been feeling off-center from the revelations of the eclipse and Uranus may just shake things up a little more.  What are you supposed to do?  Try and sit with the emotions that are coming up.  Is it fear coming up?  What does all of this mean?  What will happen now?  Take deep breaths until you can think clearly.  It’s easy to make impulsive decisions that you may regret later.  Be in the moment and see what comes to you and what direction you want to go.

Don’t worry if nothing big changes in your life.  You may already be on the right path and only needed some minor course corrections.  You may also see changes over the next 6 months to a year.  Eclipse energy doesn’t always happen the day of, but can unfold over time.

What is awakening in your life?   Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?


Awakening, Cancer, Change, Energy, Shift, Sun, Taurus, Uranus, Venus

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