May 14


Mood Swings

This is a week of extremes and changes.  The week starts off with Mercury stationing to do direct and two sign changes.  Work with the energy that’s presented to you and see what you can make of it.  If you have to step away for a bit, step away and do something else.  There’s the tendency to want to get things accomplished, but sometimes it’s more about progress than accomplishment.

Mercury stations to go direct in the sign of Taurus on May 14 at 11:17 pm.  This Mercury retrograde has been about challenging the status quo and your comfort zone. The mental fog will begin to clear.  It can take a couple of weeks for it to clear completely though.

Jupiter enters the sign of Taurus on May 16 and 1:20 pm.  The planet of expansion is going to begin exploring some Taurus subject matters in a big way.  Money, food, and values are just a few of the basics.  These aren’t new subjects for you, as you’ve been exploring them over the past few weeks and Uranus has been in Taurus since 2019.  This is a great time to get back to nature and sit with the fertile energies.  See where they want to take you.

Jupiter in Taurus will have its first aspect the next day as it Squares Pluto in Aquarius on May 17 at 9:11 pm.  Jupiter and Pluto are having a conflict over what takes precedence, your values or your ideals. Mars will then leave behind the sign of Cancer and enter into the sign of Leo on May 20 at 11:31 am.  Mars will be happy to get fired up and think about ways to have fun.  Mars in Leo can be a little dramatic at times, but it can definitely bring some excitement to taking action.

Mars in Leo will then Oppose Pluto in Aquarius on May 20 at 11:17 pm.  Jupiter and Pluto had a conversation a few days ago, it's time for Mars to become involved.  Is now the time for you to take action on that dialogue?  Do you know which is more important to you?

How are handling the highs and lows as the energy swings?     Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?


Aquarius, Energy, Jupiter, Leo, Mars, Mercury, Mood Swings, Pluto, Taurus

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