Hey! It’s Dark in Here!

Does it ever feel to you like there is a battle of the light and the dark?  Were you ever scared of the dark as a child?  As adults, we’re often scared of the darkness that surrounds us, but the key to the darkness is to shine a light on it.

Shining a light on the darkness can be terrifying.  Who wants to look at something dark and negative?  But when you do, it loses its power.  You don’t want to explore your shame, your guilt, your grief, or your fears because of what it could tell you.  It’s hard to go to those dark places and reveal the parts of ourselves that we never want to be seen.  But you know that if you don’t, the darkness wins!  The only way to defeat the dark is to speak it aloud.  When you do, it slowly loses its power.

You want to have things like love and joy in your life, right?  You don’t want to be swamped by the darkest feelings that we can experience as human beings. 

If given the choice, choose the light.  If you’re in the dark, find a way out.  Empowerment is all about finding a way out of the dark into the light.

You might believe that darkness is all around us and that may seem to be the case, but it doesn’t have to be.  You can be a beacon of light shining for the rest of the world to see.

You can bring your past from the depths to the light where it can have little impact on you anymore.  You don’t have to live in the dark.  You can step into the light.  When it feels like the darkness is getting close again, take action, and step back into the light.

All of this is easier said than done, especially in the beginning.  The first step is always the hardest.  You are here to have an experience and learn something about yourself.  You’re stronger than you think.  You can step into the light.

What darkness do you wish to release from your life?  Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

I’m So Tired

Have you been finding it hard to get up in the morning?  Or you could be finding yourself thinking, I’m so tired of this story.  Or maybe you’re literally falling asleep.

The energy of what you’ve been doing that may no longer work for you is starting to wear you down.  It’s time for something new and different, but sometimes you don’t know how to get there or are afraid to try.
Maybe you’ve noticed that you’ve run this movie before, and you can change the ending this time.  It’s an old story that you just want to stop.  You didn’t like the film the last time it was on and you certainly don’t like it now.

The universe is trying to get your attention.  You can change.  You can have a different ending.  You can shift your journey to a new path.  You’re being reminded that this story no longer works for you.  But how do you change the script?

It’s challenging when we’re right in the middle of the story to see our options.  We don’t like it, but what else can we do?  Sometimes you just must leap into alternative storylines.  Give it a try!  Maybe it will work.  Maybe it won’t, but you don’t know if you don’t at least try.

Maybe you’ve been doubting your intuition, and something happens that you can’t ignore.  It feels right, but you believe it can’t be right.  It just can’t be.  Ask someone else what they think.  You could totally surprise yourself.  You don’t know if you don’t ask.

One of my teachers said to respond to life’s questions with, “I don’t know”.  Our patterns can become a part of us, where we think we know what will happen.  When you learn what someone else thinks, you could be completely surprised by the response.

Being tired is an indicator.  It’s time to let go.  Say you don’t know want to see what happens.  Yes, giving up control can be terrifying at first, but after some time it can be liberating.  Try something different, even if it’s taking a different route to the grocery store.  See what happens.

What are you tired about?  Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment. 

Curveball. . .

Do you ever feel like you finally have your life all figured out?  And then what happens?  Life throws you a curveball.

With the Eclipse energies finally leaving and Mercury going direct, maybe some things could feel like they were coming together, but there are still multiple planets in retrograde and Mercury is still in its shadow, so the answer is not yet.  A cycle is still ending for you.  Clarity is coming in, but there are still a few challenges to work through.  Something is still waiting for you to discover.

What have you been working on?  Maybe you’re on that path to self-empowerment, but there are some tweaks needed.  And let’s be honest, on the road to feeling your power there will always be tweaks.  Life is never constant.  It evolves and changes.  Life doesn’t stay still.  It can’t.  Just like everything around us, our lives are in motion.  There’s always going to be more to discover until the day we depart this Earth.  You have more to learn and so do I.

For almost the past 10 years, I’ve been discovering my energy.  What is my energy?  If you haven’t gone down this rabbit hole yet, it can be really cool!  But a few people who were a part of the path I was on, didn’t seem to follow my values.  I discovered that when I can’t get a computer to run, or I throw an electric breaker in the house for some mysterious reason; it could be there’s some interference happening within me.  Just like a car needs a tune-up, so did I.  We all need an energy tune-up occasionally.  That’s part of what can make energy work fascinating.

So, if life has been throwing you a few too many curveballs, maybe its time for a tune-up or just take some time to check-in and see what your body needs.  Challenges happen for so many reasons.  They don’t always occur for the same reason, but there is one.  Tap into yourself and see what you find out.

What challenges are occurring in your life?  Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

Ask For Help?

Asking for help, what is that?  I’m sure you’re a person who considers themselves to be fairly independent.  A person who can do things on their own.  However, there comes a point in time when you have to reach out to someone else to help you.

You’re not meant to walk through life on your own.  You’re supposed to have people accompany you on life’s journey.  You have friends and family.  Some of them would love to help you.

Maybe in the past you’ve asked for help and were turned down.  At that point you decided to go it alone.  Maybe you asked the wrong person or it wasn’t the right time.  It can be hard to say why a person doesn’t come to your aid.  But, there are times when you can be overwhelmed by what others are willing to do for you.  Their generosity will fill your heart to the brim.

Through life’s journey, we’re mean to work together.  Looking at society right now, it may not seem that way, but we have a collective lesson to learn.  One of them is we can’t do it all ourselves.  With daycares and schools closed, there were a lot of parents who need help. Some people have been laid off from their jobs and haven’t been able to collect unemployment benefits.  Those people could use help.  Are you one of those people?  Or maybe you need help in another way.  Maybe your car broke down and you need a ride to work or just need someone to listen.  It could be any number of problems.

Allow someone to help you this week. Help someone else this week.  A little kindness goes a long way especially when we’re feeling overwhelmed by life and want to stay in bed.

How can you help yourself or others this week?  Let me know.  Do you want to know more about what I do?  Click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

I Want You to Like Me!

Do you change who you are based upon the people you’re around?  Do you go along with what others want because you don’t want them to dislike you?

We talk about these areas a lot in relation to teenagers and peer pressure.  But that type of pressure is just as prevalent in us as adults as it was when we were younger. 

As a teenager it may have been smoking or drinking alcohol to fit in, but as adults we may shift who we are for someone to like us or even love us.  We can even completely lose our sense of identity.  One day we wake up and don’t recognize our lives.  We begin to question how did we get here?

Or maybe the person that you shared your life with, showed you who they were.  Brief glimpses, but you were in love and that was what mattered.  It could have been a friend.  You idealized who they were.  You never saw who they really were.

There are so many reasons why.  When we can finally see without the blinders there is a sense of shock.  You try and process the information.  You reveal what happened to your friends and family.  Some will say they knew it all along.  Is that helpful?  Others will sit with you in the pain and move you forward. 

The past month has been full of revelations.  A sense of clarity.  Maybe we aren’t as enlightened as we thought, but we can still resonate at a higher vibration. We can still move forward. 

There have been truths coming out.  We can’t ignore them anymore.  Whether those truths are a part of our personal lives or something on a more global scale.  Seemingly bad things can be revealed to us.  The question is how do you respond?  Do you react from an emotional standpoint?  Or one that is well thought out. Those of us that speak from a reactionary place can cause damage whether we mean to or not.  We aren’t speaking from a place that is for our highest good.

Take some time this week and those coming to think before you respond.  What’s more important?  Is it what someone else likes or that you like yourself?  It can be hard to answer because we can desperately want both.

We must start somewhere.  The most important thing is to love yourself.  You can always find different friends or life partners, but you can never escape you.  Value who you are.  Treat yourself well.  Don’t bend who you are to meet anyone else’s expectations.  Loving yourself is the start of a better path forward and to all of life’s craziness.

Have you changed who you are for someone else?  Let me know.  Do you want to know more about what I do?  Click here to book a discovery session or an appointment. 

Lights! Camera! Action!

Have you been holding out on making changes?  It doesn’t have to be because of the Coronavirus, but it could be.  It could be as simple as you’re not sure quite yet what you want to change.

You can always start out with something simple.  Getting yourself back on track.  Maybe your routine has been disrupted.  Let’s be honest.  Whose hasn’t?  Now is a great time to get back on track.

My mind has been wandering a lot to exercise.  I’ve been researching exercise programs.  About 9 years ago, I started an exercise routine and maintained it for about 4 years.  I lost 85 lbs. in the process and felt great!  One day I walked down the hill and twisted my ankle.  I wasn’t able to put pressure on it and I lost my momentum.  Once I was able to stand on it, I didn’t have the same energy for exercise.  I was nervous about reinjuring my ankle.  I tried different routines, but I didn’t have a rhythm anymore.  I pondered doing the same routine but had loaned the DVDs to someone and they were lost. 

It's time for me to get back in a rhythm.  I’m just about ready to sign up.  I have most of the logistics worked out in my head and I’m running out of excuses.  It’s time for me to take action!

We all start things with the best of intentions and stop for any number of reasons.  Maybe our timing is off.  Maybe the energy isn’t right.  The question is do you take the leap and go for it.  The energies aren’t going away anytime soon.  If anything, the intensity is only going to go up.  Th energies the last few weeks have been insane.  I don’t know quite yet what they’ll feel like, but we’re about to find out.  The sooner we move, the easier they are to handle.

Where do you need to create movement in your life? Let me know.  Do you want to know more about what I do?  Click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

Becoming You

What if you aren’t who you thought you were?  Unfortunately, traumatic events can make us not want to be hurt again, so we start to hold a part of ourselves back.  We don’t show who we are and allow our authentic self to shine through.

Having spent a good portion of the last 9 years or so working through trauma has now led me to the point of I thought I knew who I was but there’s more.  I was looking at pictures and I found one from about the age of 4 that has always spoken to me.  What is it about that one picture?  I’m starting to think it’s my authentic self speaking to me.  Helping me.  Guiding me back to the person I’m meant to be.

Nothing that I’ve done has been for not.  It has led me to this point.  I could say the same thing to you.  Everything that you’ve done has led you to this point.  The question is what do you do next?  Do you continue to play it safe or step up?  How do you move forward?

Becoming who you were meant to be is challenging.  We can doubt ourselves and not know which way to go.  So what do we do?  There are variations for each of us.  I tend to take the big picture and break it down into small pieces.  You may jump right in.  Neither one is right nor wrong.  It’s all about who we are.

All these energies are forcing us to review our story.  Who have we been and who do we want to become?  Who are we?  What do we value?  Does our day-to-day life demonstrate what we value?  Maybe you’re reviewing this list of questions and decide that you’re good.  That’s great!  You’ve probably done a lot of work on yourself to reach that place, but what if you’re not?  Becoming the person you’re meant to be can present it’s own challenges, but when you finally know who you are, there’s nothing better.

Who do you want to be? Let me know.  Do you want to know more about what I do?  Click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

Time for Adjustments?

We’re on a journey in life.  No matter how much we want things to stay the same, they don’t.  There are some things we want so badly in life, we can taste it, but it doesn’t happen the way we think it will or think it should. The people we think will stay a part of our lives forever leave, for any number of reasons.  We want to know when things will change for the better, but maybe we aren’t meant to know.

We want to know the answers to life's biggest questions and we just don’t know.  If 2020 has shown us anything so far, it is to expect the unexpected. But it also reveals where we still need to work on our lives.

Right now, nothing is what we think it should be.  We are in a huge period change personally and globally.  We’re about to see a new snapshot of what 2020 has in store for us.  More of the picture is being revealed.  We have the second eclipse plus the solstice.  Also, we have 5 planets in retrograde (Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto) with another one about to go retrograde (Neptune).  That’s a lot of retrograde energy.  During retrogrades we’re meant to review, revise and reexamine our lives.  What’s our vision?  Does our life meet our vision?  Where are we off course?  What can we do to adjust? It’s time for adjustments.

I’ve been playing around with astrology for several years now and during quarantine I’ve been working on learning to read charts.  It’s a process!  But it’s a path that I’m meant to follow. I’ve always been fascinated by horoscopes and how we can take natal charts to learn something about ourselves.  Learning about my natal chart has helped me to accept parts of myself that I thought were wrong, or others thought were different than they should be.

This retrograde is another period for me to examine my life.  Where did I steer off course?  I can think of a few things.  I’m sure you can as well.  How do I adjust?  With my study of astrology, it’s time to take a new examination and pick up where I last left off while I completed my coaching certification.  Continue what I had started and put aside.  I can think of other things, but those are stories for a future time. 

Use the power of the energies we’re in right now and make adjustments to fit your vision.

What adjustments do you need to make?  Let me know.  Do you want to know more about what I do?  Click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

Forgive Yourself

Forgive yourself.  You didn’t know.  This can apply to so many areas of your life.  From trusting someone that you shouldn’t, to not knowing something about yourself.  The truth is . . . you didn’t know.

Part of life is the journey of discovery.  We’re sent here to learn new things.  If we entered this world already knowing everything, it would get boring quickly.  Although a little bit of boredom might be nice sometimes.  Just saying.

We learn new things every single day.  It’s part of our path.  Right now, so many of us are learning a lot and for some of us our entire lives have been tipped upside down.  It’s ok.  You didn’t know.  But here’s the thing about not knowing, it’s ok until you do.  Once you know and you choose to do nothing, that’s now a choice.

I’ve been struggling over the past week with how I proceed with my discoveries about white privilege and finding a way forward. To take action and to help myself and others forgive themselves for not knowing. I would normally have joined a protest but due to the pandemic, it doesn’t feel like that’s the correct choice for me.  If it’s the right choice for you, I applaud you, but remember to try and stay safe.  This isn’t over.  We haven’t learned what we need to yet.

I saw a post on Facebook that our local church was asking people to join around the church for 8 minutes and 46 seconds while the bell rang.  I’m sure most of you are aware at this point of the significance of that amount of time, but just to be sure, it’s the amount of time associated with the death of George Floyd.  I really wanted to join in, but I had to find another way.  I remembered that I could hear the bells from my house.  So as the bells started to ring, I took a knee out on the lawn.  What do I do next?  I’m not sure yet, but I can’t turn back and be blind.  I’m sure more will be revealed to me and you before our time is done, but we have to forgive ourselves for what we didn’t know and find a new way forward.  I’m working on forgiving myself.  It’s up to you to determine how to forgive yourself.

What do you need to forgive yourself for?  Let me know.  Do you want to know more about what I do?  Click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

It’s Time to Learn and Listen

These past weeks have taught us a lot about the world, the United States and ourselves.  There’s so much we don’t know; I’m included in this statement.  While scrolling through posts on Facebook, I read something that jumped out from the headlines.  There’s racism in all of us.  The first thing I wanted to do was deny that statement, but the more I pondered it, the more I had to admit there it’s true.

Racism has been present since the time the United States was founded.  Slavery has been a part of this country from the beginning in some form.  We had a Civil War to outlaw slavery, but it never really ended.  The people found ways around it.  We had the Civil Rights Movement, but again people found ways to continue with their beliefs.  Confronting our beliefs is one of the hardest things to do in life.

I grew up in the State of Maine.  To put it simply, there isn’t a lot of diversity.  For the few that were of a different race, they stood out.  This was my limited exposure as a child.  Even now most of the people I come across look like me.  I had never thought about the concept of “white privilege” until recently, which in of itself tells something about my privilege.

I didn’t agree with so many things happening in the United States, but I cried tears of hope when we elected our first black president.  I hoped that things could change.  While there was a portion of the population that was different, there was a portion that wasn’t about to let the old way of life go.

The universe has a way of repeating messages until we can see what we didn’t want to see. Hopefully, we’re starting to receive the message.  I’ve been searching my own soul.  I cried as I watched officers of the law tear gas protestors in our nation’s capital on live television and wondered how did we get to this point.

Our nation has an opportunity to be different, but first we must confront our past.  We have been part of the problem, whether we want to or not.  Racism is present whether we agree with it or not.  But how do we move forward?  I don’t have all of the answers, but two responses that I keep getting are community and listening.

Growing up I lived in a neighborhood, a very small one I’ll admit, but my neighbors knew my name.  I’d walk to school; people would wave and knew who I was.  I knew the names of the police officers.  I knew that if I did something wrong, someone was going to tell my parents.  I still live in this same town and it’s not the same place.  I don’t know all of my neighbor’s names. I don’t know our police by name.  I don’t know the people in our community.

Our communities are no longer part of our joys and sorrows.  We don’t know what people need.  We lost community along the way.  When we know our neighbors and who they are as people, we’re less likely to vilify them based upon our perceptions.  It’s not an easy undertaking but rebuilding the foundation of an entire country isn’t either.

I want to believe that there’s good in everyone.  Some days are harder than others.  I hope that people aren’t beyond redemption.  I hope that we can change the narrative and listen to what our neighbors need.  The best thing I can do right now with my white privilege is to say I don’t know the answers, but I’m ready to learn and to listen.  I don’t know the people in my community, but I’m ready to at least learn your names.  I’m ready to do better.  I’m ready to grow and to know that it’s going to take time.  Growth can be a painful process but there’s something each one of us can learn.

What have you learned or need to learn?  Let me know.  Do you want to know more about what I do?  Click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.
