March 26


You’re On An Adventure

It can be really easy when life just seems tough and you wonder which shoe is going to drop next to remember that life is an adventure and that’s why you’re here.  After the challenges of the last few weeks, this week is a reminder to be optimistic and try new things.

It can be easy to think that you have it all figured out and then life throws you a curveball.  You may even wonder if you knew anything at all.  Everyone has been there at one time or another.  Approach your adventure with an open mind and see where it leads you.
The  Aries energy of beginnings and adventure will figure heavily into this week’s energy.  Mercury in Aries will Conjunct Chiron in Aries on March 26 at 2:58 pm.  Has there been something that you’ve wanted to say and you haven’t been able to say it?  This may be the time to start a new conversation.  Mercury in Aries then has a conversation with Jupiter on March 28 at 2;50 am.  Try something new.  Learn something new.  Jupiter likes to go big, so this may be the time for you to go big.
Venus in Taurus Conjuncts Uranus in Taurus on March 30 at 6:26 pm.  What do you love?  What do you value?  There may be a sudden epiphany here that a direction you’ve been headed in may not have been totally right for you.  It’s ok to change directions in life, it happens to all of us. 
Life doesn’t always take you in a straight line.  Something that you think should take a few moments can take years.  There is no right or wrong on this journey.  There is only you and what are you learning.  Take a new step this week.
What adventure are you going to take?    Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?


Adventure, Aries., Beginnings, Change, Chiron, Jupiter, Mercury, New, Taurus, Uranus, Venus

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