October 6


Words Hurt

How did Wednesday’s eclipse treat you?  Were you able to release something and experience an ending or are you still grappling with some reveals?  Either way, remember this is your journey as this week unfolds.  Mercury is active this week and has something to say.  It might not all be true.

Mercury in Libra Squares Mars in Cancer on October 6 at 2:37 am EST.  Mercury in Libra would like everyone to get along but Mars has a challenging time when it’s Cancer.  There could be some family squabbles over which direction to go in or it could be time to think about how you nurture yourself?  Either way, be careful of the words that you use.  Hurtful words can’t be taken back.  Make sure that you’re ready to stand behind whatever it is that you say.

Mercury in Libra Opposes Chiron in Aries on October 8 at 10:36 am EST.  Mercury would like to speak from a place of partnership and togetherness, but Chiron in Aries is more interested in focusing on him or herself.  There could also be an inner wound that you’ve been working on, this might be a great time to speak it aloud and see how someone else could help with your interpretation, but if you decide to take this step, make sure it’s someone that you completely trust.

Jupiter in Gemini begins it’s retrograde period on October 9 at 3:05 am EST.  Jupiter will be retrograde until February 4, 2025.  Like all retrogrades, this is a time for reflection on Jupiter theme’s.  Jupiter focuses on Growth, Expansion, Exploration, Optimism, and Truth. This is a time for you to reflect on these areas of your life.  What steps have you taken and what adjustments do you need to make?

Pluto stations direct on October 11 at 8:34 pm EST.  Pluto is done reflecting on the progress it has made while it’s been on Capricorn and is ready to finalize it’s transformations.  Pluto has until November 19, when it re-enters the sign of Aquarius, to get the last of its changes completed.  Be on the lookout, especially if you have anything in the last degrees of Capricorn, Cancer, Aries, or Libra.  Big transformations could still be on the way for you.

How are you going to watch your words this week?   Let me know! If you’d like more guidance, click here to learn more or book an appointment. 


Aries, Cancer, Capricorn, Chiron, Feelings, Gemini, Jupiter, Libra, Mars, Mercury, Pluto, Retrograde, Words

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