January 16


Who Would Have Thought?

Who would have thought? Just when it seems like things are coming together, something happens that makes you question. You can do everything right and still have what you were fearful of happening.
Some days it’s challenging to be an optimist. To believe that everything is going to work out. Life can make you question. Trying to live life on the straight and narrow, rarely happens how you expect.
Who would have thought almost 2 years in, we would still be in the midst of a pandemic. Right now at-home tests are a rare commodity and fakes are being sold. What at one point would have been a cold can now be COVID. With symptoms where you would have gone to work and worked through it, now you have to stay home.
Everything changed in March of 2020 and we’re still not out of the woods. Maybe the lesson hasn’t been learned yet. Astrologers are saying this isn’t over. More variants can come. We could face another shutdown. Look at the number of cases.
When will this end? It’s hard to say. Most pandemics historically last at least 2 years. Just remember life is a marathon, not a sprint. You can’t predict what life is going to throw your way.
Do the best you can each day. Do what you can to keep yourself and those around you safe. Take extra precautions if need be. We will get through this together.
What did you think was going to happen?  Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.


Change, Energy, Fear

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