September 11


Who Wins?

The two signs that Mercury rules are squaring off on September 16 at 2:49 pm, Venus in Virgo and Mars in Gemini, plus Mercury just officially when retrograde on September 9.  What does all of this mean?
Venus in Virgo is cautious, reserved, perfectionistic, and practical.  She wants to determine the details and check items off the to-do list.  Mars in Gemini is adaptable and social, but can also be scattered and inconsistent.  Who wins Venus or Mars?  Are you doing it to be able to get tasks accomplished or are you going to be talking it out?  It’s too early to tell.
Mercury retrograde can have a trickster energy, and where Mars in Gemini is in the sign of the twins, there can be a dual nature to issues or you may just have to do everything twice.  When you’re able use the energy of Virgo to take your time.  Make sure to look at everything multiple times before you hit that send button.
The importance of astrology comes in giving you details about what the energy looks like around you.  If you’re in tune with the energy, you can often feel it, but astrology helps you to name it.  By naming the energy, you can witness those people around you and see how the energy is impacting them and their day.  You have the option to keep on your path.  Now that is easier said than done.  There are going to be days, where the energy is going to drag you in a direction that you hadn’t anticipated.  Uranus in Taurus is still challenging you to grow and throwing unexpected curveballs your way, even if it doesn’t have a specific aspect in play.
By knowing the energy around you, you could be the winner.  By understanding the energy it brings you a sense of awareness that could help you.  Virgo energy also has a tendency to focus on the body, so this could be a great time to begin an exercise program and get rid of some of that excess Gemini energy, and truly focus on the tasks ahead of you. 
The primary point of the year 2022 is to grow.  The North Node is in Taurus.  You are meant to change.  You are meant to be different at the end of the year than you were at the beginning.  The September Equinox is drawing near and we’re entering the last 2 seasons of the year.  You still have time to make the necessary changes, but the end is drawing near.
 Who is winning?  Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.


Awareness, Change, Gemini, Mras, Venus, Virgo

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