August 18


What Needs To Be Changed?

There is a lot of energy going on this week.  So buckle up!  Remember that isn’t just you facing this energy.  Everyone is dealing with you.  It may just be impacting you in a different place in your life or in a different way.   When dealing with big energy it’s important to take care of yourself.  So now let’s get into this week’s energy.

Mercury in Leo Squares Uranus in Taurus on August 18 at 5:47 AM EST. This might be a time when you make or want to a rash decision.  It’s normally best not to make a quick decision, especially when you’re under some intense pressure, which might be the case when Uranus is involved and there is a lot of planetary action going on in a short time.  Take the time to think through your choices, even if you don’t want to.  It could help prevent you from making a really bad choice.

The Sun in Leo Conjuncts Mercury in Leo on August 18 at 9:58 PM EST.  The Sun is checking in with Mercury about that decision that you want to make.  The Sun is shining a spotlight on the possibilities.  What could happen?  Listen to the guidance of the Sun in Leo.  It wants you to decide the heart and not from the mind.  What do you need to do so that the choice you want to make is in your highest and best good?

Venus in Virgo Squares Jupiter in Gemini on August 19 at 1:53 AM EST.  Bring more love and joy into your life.  It’s often easy to get distracted and forget about what brings you joy.  Have some fun.  I know that Virgo is known more for the details and Gemini is known for communicating, but Venus is all about love and Jupiter can expand that love.  Spend some time around people that you enjoy spending time with.  Have a fun conversation, not all conversations need to be bad.

Venus in Virgo Opposite Saturn in Pisces on August 19 at 4:30 AM EST.  Venus in Virgo is facing a limitation from Saturn in Pisces.  Saturn wants to discuss boundaries to the love and joyful activities that you’re thinking about.  Saturn wants to impose some rules.  Are the rules necessary or are they just rules for the sake of having rules?  Look below the surface, you might be surprised about what kind of fun you can have.

The Sun in Leo Square Uranus in Taurus on August 19 at 12:45 PM EST.  The Sun is now having a conversation with Uranus in Taurus about what happened yesterday, but Uranus doesn’t want to listen.  Uranus still wants to make a change even though you’re still thinking about it.  Is the change that you want to make something that’s in your highest and best good?  When you’re presented with a choice, it’s something that you should ask yourself before making the final decision.

Jupiter in Gemini Square Saturn in Pisces on August 19 at 5:46 PM EST.   Jupiter in Gemini wants to continue the conversation from yesterday.  It wants to be fun and playful, but this time Venus isn’t making the aspect, Saturn is.  Saturn just had to challenge Venus yesterday and today it’s Jupiter’s turn.  Which side is going to win?  The fun and playful part or the part that is going to settle down, listen to the rules, and get to work.

The Sun enters Virgo on August 22 at 10:55 AM EST.  The Sun is about to focus on how can you best serve the people that are around you.  Depending on the people in your life, it could also get detail-oriented and maybe even critical.  The Sun is getting ready to wrap up the summer here in the Northern Hemisphere and the kids are going back to school.  There are items on a to-do list and the Sun in Virgo is about to start tackling each item on the list.  It may just be time for the Sun to get back to work.

Venus in Virgo Square Mars in Gemini on August 22 at 11:20 PM EST.  This is a time for you to have the courage to act.  You have been presented with a lot of options and thinking this week, and it’s decision time.  Are you doing to have the courage to take the steps that you know need to be taken?  Reach down deep into your heart and make the decision that is best for you.

What needs to be changed in your life?  Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment? 


Change, Gemini, Jupiter, Leo, Mars, Mercury, Pisces, Saturn, Sun, Taurus, Tranformation, Uranus, Venus, Virgo

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