May 5


Time For Your Wounds

This should be another calm energy week and after the month of April, it is well needed, even if you just need time to process everything that has happened.  There will be a revisiting of a conversation that was held around March 20 and April 15, but otherwise, it’s time for some forward momentum.

Mercury in Aries Conjuncts Chiron in Aries on May 6 at 10:27 pm EST.  This is the third and final pass of conversations that were held around March 20 and April 15.  Mercury has been having conversations with Chiron about your inner child and the wounds that have made you the person that you are today.  Chiron is a wound that may not be able to be healed, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t work with it.  As an example, my natal Chiron is in Taurus and it has to do with my body and taking on the energy of other people.  For years I fought it and tried to block it, but I have now come to accept that this could be a gift and I use this as part of my energy work.  This doesn’t mean that I don’t still have to block certain energies or discard the energies that don’t serve me, but it is something that I can work with.  My conversations with Mercury and Chiron since March 20 have been around accepting my own wounds and how I can help greater numbers of people, but I can’t do any of this if I don’t find ways to take care of myself.  I need to make time for self-care and give myself grace at times to take things one day at a time, especially when there is a lot going on.

These conversations with Mercury and Chiron are never easy, but if you can work with the information that is revealed to you, there is no telling in what direction you might be able to go. The month of April revealed a lot of information that is important for your path forward.  Just because it was all revealed to you in a short period of time, doesn’t mean that you have to take action on everything all at once.  Give yourself the grace to tend to your inner child and take things one day at a time, when it’s needed.  You will be so glad in the end that you did.

Is it time to examine your inner wounds?   Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?


Aries, Chiron, Inner Child, Mercury, Wounds

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