April 14


Time For Radical Change

Just when you thought the Eclipse energy had passed, there’s more big energy this week.  The Eclipse portal doesn’t officially end for another couple of weeks, but there is another huge aspect this week, that happens once every 12 years.

Mercury in Aries Conjuncts Chiron in Aries on April 15 at 11:23 am EST. It’s time for Mercury and Chiron to have another chat.  Mercury and Chiron had one conversation about your inner wounding, but it’s time for a follow-up.  Have you done anything with the information that was provided to you on March 20?  This doesn’t mean that you must have the issue already resolved, but have you pondered it all?  Have you taken steps to change how your wound impacts you?  If you haven’t, now it’s time to listen to what Chiron is telling you and start making steps to adjust.

The Sun enters the sign of Taurus on April 19 at 10:00 am EST. It’s time to shine a light on people and things of value.  What do you value?  What’s important to you?  It should show up in the ways that you spend your time.  If it doesn’t, it may be time to make some adjustments. 

Jupiter in Taurus Conjuncts Uranus in Taurus on April 20 at 10:27 pm EST. This is the HUGE aspect this week.  Jupiter and Uranus make a conjunction every 12 years and this time it’s in the sign of Taurus, what you value.  When Uranus is involved it can be a sudden surprise or shift.  Be prepared that Jupiter and Uranus have something to say.  It could be something radically different from what you might expect.  It could be time for something exciting or a new adventure or it could also be the end of something that’s no longer serving you.  Be open to the experience.  Being open can be challenging for the sign of Taurus, but you never know what could happen if you don’t try.

What radical changes are happening in your life?  Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?


Aries, Change, Chiron, Jupiter, Mercury, Radical, Revolution, Sun, Taurus, Uranus

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