Warrior Goddess

This week starts with a bang and ends with a whimper.  You may already be feeling the intense energies that are coming your way.  The first of 2 eclipses is on Monday and as normal with eclipses, you could be in for a wild ride.

The Lunar Eclipse on the Aries-Libra axis is the only aspect that I will discuss this week.  The rest of the aspects are lunar and technically a lunar eclipse is a lunar aspect as well, but this eclipse has significant meaning to it.  Part of the meaning will be dependent on where in your chart this eclipse happens.

The Lunar Eclipse occurs on March 25 at 3:00 am EST.  Because this Lunar Eclipse is on the Aries-Libra axis it is about power dynamics.  The power between yourself and the other significant relationships in your life.  It is the masculine energies vs the feminine energies.  It is the beginning and the end.  Libra energy is seeking balance in life, but this eclipse is more about the Aries energy.  It’s about the beginning and power.

We live in a male-dominant culture.  It wasn’t always this way, but that’s for another time.  I’m going to be a little political for a moment.  Societally we are being shown the effects of our male-dominant culture.  How is this culture working for you?  Let’s focus exclusively on women though.  Women have been expected to cater to the needs of men to the point where women weren’t even allowed to vote until 1920 and women couldn’t have a credit card until the early 1970s.  Women seemed to be on a trajectory where we were gaining rights and in 2016, the United States almost had a female president and leader.  But patriarchy did not go quietly into that good night.  Instead, another man entered the White House, and not just any man, but a man with an agenda.  He is exposing the underbelly of the patriarchy.  Since 2016, women seem to be losing ground.  Women have lost the right in some states to have a say over whether they want an abortion and our own right to make our own healthcare decisions could be next. 

Aries is all about power and the warrior.  This is the time for women to step up and be noticed.  I know it’s not easy.  I have hidden any number of times and occasionally need the push to get out of my own way.  Think about the power dynamics in your own life.  Does one person have all the power or is it a balance between two people or a group of people?  Look closely at these relationships.  Do you want to stay, or do you want to go?  Free yourself from what is no longer serving you and start the process of beginning again.  I understand that it’s terrifying to start from scratch, but something that has helped me to make decisions is what do I have left to lose.  Most of the time what I have feared has already come true if I’m being honest with myself.

This eclipse has the power to make dynamic changes in your life if you’re willing to step up and take a risk.  Step into your power.  The world needs us to step up and reclaim our feminine energy.   The world needs some warrior goddesses to point the way into a new era.

Are you ready to become a feminine warrior? Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?

The Energy Shifts

This week another planet goes retrograde and there’s another Eclipse. You will feel the energy shift and it’s trying to send you in a new direction.  What you do with the shift and the direction it sends you is up to you.

Pluto stations to go retrograde in the sign of Aquarius on May 1 at 1:09 pm.  Pluto will be retrograde until October 10 and will retrograde back into the sign of Capricorn in June.  It’s going to be time to re-examine the darkness of Pluto.  Are there still shadows that you need to look at.  You have a couple of opportunities to look at what you’ve been working on since 2008.  Look at the world since 2008, so much has changed.  Has it changed for the better?  Depends on how you look at it, but I think most would agree that the dark side of people has been exposed.  There’s no going back and hiding under a rock, but there is the option to do the work and see if the world can be a little bit better.  The work is never easy, but it’s the only way to truly grow as a person and as a community.  Which path do you want to take?

The Sun in Taurus conjuncts Mercury in Taurus on May 1 at 7:28 pm.  What do you value?  The sun and Mercury are shining a light on those things that you value.  Is what you value, how you spend the majority of your time?  If it isn’t, do you need to make some changes to either your values or how you spend your time?  The choice is yours.

Venus in Gemini will square Neptune in Pisces on May 4 at 1:40 pm.  Venus is looking to have a conversation about your spiritual side.  Are you looking to engage in that conversation or are you looking to avoid it altogether?

The Lunar Full Moon Eclipse in Taurus and Scorpio is on May 5 at 1:34 pm.  This is the last eclipse in the Taurus-Scorpio access and then the nodal access will shift this summer.  This is the end point for something that began about 18 months ago.  A chapter is ending.  How you respond to the end of this chapter is up to you.  The end could be big or it could be small, it depends on you.  Have you done the work or have you been insisting that nothing is wrong? 

Remember to take some time for yourself this week.  Do something fun or relaxing.  When the energy shifts are big it can be challenging to get a good night’s rest.  Do your best and remember to be kind.  Everyone else is experiencing the same energy as you, but in maybe a slightly different way.  The world could use a little more kindness.

What is the energy shifting in your life?   Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?