April 16


Review and Reform

It’s an eclipse week, the Sun changes signs and Mercury goes retrograde!  Oh boy.  Things are about to get interesting.

The solar eclipse happens at 29 degrees Aries on April 19 at 9:13 pm, just a few hours before the Sun moves into the sign of Taurus.  You’re wrapping up a story from October and November and beginning a new chapter.  This is the last set of eclipses before the Nodes change signs this summer.
The Sun enters Taurus on April 20 at 4:14 am.  The sign of Taurus likes things to be calm, steady, and stable, but rarely does life regularly take that course.  Life has twists and turns and things change, none of which are things that Taurus likes.  The good news is that Taurus can be patient and determined, which could come in handy as life throws you curve balls.  Try to be open to what curve balls have to tell you.
The Sun in Taurus will square Pluto in Aquarius a few hours later at 12;27 pm.  What is good for you versus what is good for the collective?  Are they at odds?  If they are, truly think about it.  You may be surprised that with a little tweak here or there, it could work for both parties.
Mercury stations to go retrograde on April 21 at 4:35 am.  Mercury is already in its shadow period, so you may have been noticing the technological glitches have already begun.  All the retrogrades are in earth signs this year.  What do you need to create a sturdy foundation in your life?  Retrogrades have a tendency to keep pushing the envelope, they want you to think differently.  If you’d go left, go right.   You have a few weeks.  Take this retrograde period as an opportunity to review and reform your foundations. 
What do you need to reform?   Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?


Aquarius, Eclipse, Mercury, Pluto, Reform, Retrograde, Review, Sun, Taurus

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