April 9


Take A Chance

Aries season can be one of impulsivity, but that might now always be a bad thing.  When the Sun conjuncts Jupiter this week, it could just work to your advantage.

Venus this week enters the sign of Gemini on April 11 at 12:47 am.  Venus is going to enjoy talking things out and writing.  You may want to be more social than usual and ask lots of questions.  However, Gemini is also the sign of duality, so remember there could be another side to things or they could come in twos.
The Sun in Aries also conjuncts Jupiter in Aries on April 11 at 6:07 pm.  Jupiter expands whatever the Sun is shining a light on.  This may be a time to try something new or act in a way that you might not normally do.  Take a chance this week.  There is a tendency to think that by trying something new, the worst is always going to happen, but sometimes everything you want is on the other side of trying.  Don’t let fear hold you back.  Become a warrior and seek what you want.
Venus in Gemini will square Saturn in Pisces on April 14 at 12:38 pm.  Venus may feel a little restricted by Saturn.  She may not feel quite like herself or talk quite as much.  You feel stuck in your head and like you just feel adrift.  Remember it’s a transit and it’s temporary.
The energy has been challenging the last few weeks.  There is a kind of push-and-pull dynamic going on.  You may feel like you’re constantly taking two steps forward and one step back, but eventually, you will arrive at your destination.  Keep going and take chances.  Life is meant to be lived.
What are you going to take a chance on?  Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?


Aries, Chance, Gemini, Jupiter, Pisces, Saturn, Sun, Venus

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