April 23


Are You Outside of Your Comfort Zone Yet?

How’s the eclipse energy been treating you? Last week may have been a game-changing week for you. Either way there is something that you’re supposed to be learning right now, Are you learning it? If you’re not you may be pushed outside of your comfort zone this week.

Some of us only need a little tap, others need a push and some need an all-out shove to move in a different direction. There’ve been times when I needed an all-out shove. Getting fired was a shove. I wasn’t making the decisions or changes that were required in my life. I was trying to be selective in what I changed, but I was meant to go in a different direction in a big way. I had spent a good portion of my life playing small and that was no longer an option. That doesn’t mean that I don’t still play small on occasion. Just like you, I’m a work in progress.

This week, there’s only one hard aspect that I’m going to address this week, and its when Mars in Cancer squares Chiron in Aries on April 27 at 9;34 am. This is when the universe gives you a push and maybe a shove to make a change. Step outside of your comfort zone and do something different. It’s easy to stay at home and hope that the world comes to your door, but it’s unrealistic. Change happens when you step outside. Life happens when you try something new. Life doesn’t change when you follow the same routine. You’re meant to be the best you that you can be. There will be days where you stumble and fall, but get back up and try again. Nobody gets it right on the first try. Just give it a try and see what happens.

Are you outside of your comfort zone yet? Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?


Aries, Cancer, Change, Chiron, Comfort Zone

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