October 13


Power Games

Sunday and Monday are challenging days this week, but then the energy will shift.  When the shift happens you will have some time to ponder what can you do to change this dynamic moving forward.  Just because it has been this way in the past, doesn’t mean that it has to stay this way.

Mercury in Libra Squares Pluto in Capricorn on October 13 at 10:03 am EST.  This is the last conversation that Mercury in Libra will have with Pluto in Capricorn and it’s going to be a tense one.  Have you learned the lessons that have been tossed your way since 2008?  Have you changed the way that you think about not only yourself but other people?  In some cases, mindset is everything and you may need this last reminder of how your thinking has changed or how it still may need to change to move on to the level of your soul journey.

Mercury enters the sign of Scorpio on October 13 at 3:23 pm EST.  It’s time for your conversations to take a turn.  Rather than we more concerned about the we, they are going to take an investigative turn.  Conversations won’t just be held at the surface level, but look below the surface.  What is the other person saying without actually saying it?  How can your words transform not only your own life, but someone else’s?

Mars in Cancer Squares Chiron in Aries on October 13 at 4:36 pm EST.  There may be some more power dynamics at play.  People have tried to control you in the past and they may have succeeded.  You can make a choice.  You can heal the old wounds and story and let them go or you can continue to let those dynamics control you.  If you don’t like being controlled by other people, you can change that dynamic too.  Past wounds can be healed and now is the time.

The Sun in Libra Opposes Chiron in Aries on October 13 at 10;28 pm EST.  The Sun is shining a spotlight on these old wounds and how you can heal them.  You may need the assistance of another person to help you heal them since the Sun is in Libra or another person may have an idea of how you can heal that wound.  Either way, be open to what other people are showing up.  It could be important.

The Sun in Libra Squares Mars in Cancer on October 14 at 4:15 am EST. The Sun has something to show you about the power dynamics, it could be in your family now or your ancestral past.  It’s not a new dynamic, but it is one that no longer serves you.  This dynamic is going to fight to hang on.  Mars in Cancer doesn’t want to change, but the Sun in Libra is looking to weigh its options.

Venus in Scorpio Opposes Uranus in Taurus on October 14 at 6:22 pm EST.  Venus wants to show you something about passion and the depths of feeling that you may not even be aware are a part of you.  It could just be surprising or shocking even.  Uranus in Taurus wants to change the way that you think about love and growth.  Uranus in Taurus has been showing you something since 2017.  This isn’t the first time that Venus in Scorpio and Uranus in Taurus have had this dance, but it might seem like it.  Uranus in Taurus is in retrograde and it’s reintroducing you to an old pattern.  As you may have noticed, it’s time for the old patterns to go away and this is just one more pattern that should be changed, even if you would prefer to not deal with it.

Venus enters the sign of Sagittarius on October 17 at 3;28 pm EST.  Venus is ready to have a little bit of fun.  Venus is ready to be optimistic and hopeful again.  She’s been through the transformation is ready to be reborn, but are you?  What have all these power/family dynamics and old wounds taught you?  The structure of your life is ready to be changed?  The choice is up to you. 

How are you going to deal with power issues and family dynamics this week?  Let me know! If you’d like more guidance, click here to learn more or book an appointment. 


Aries, Cancer, Chiron, Empower, Games, Libra, Mars, Mercury, Pluto, Power, Sagittarius, Scorpio, Taurus, Uranus, Venus

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