June 1


Ooh! Look what’s on TV!

Do you ever get distracted?  We all do.  It is human nature.  You may have the best of intentions when you start, then something intervenes, and you never get back to it.  It is easier to camp out in front of the tv eating popcorn than it is to change something about your life.

I spent years avoiding change and I do mean years.  As a teenager I lost my ability to trust other people after being harassed and betrayed by a friend.  I didn’t want to put myself back out there and get hurt again so I hid.  My preferred method of hiding was vicarious living watching soap operas.  Both teen soap operas and adult ones.  I recorded Days of our Lives and General Hospital for years before the tapes fell to the floor one day to show me, I needed to move on.  Marlena was possessed by the devil.  Ooh!  That’s better than focusing on what’s wrong with my life.  I didn’t want to face what was going wrong in my life.  That I couldn’t trust people is hard for a 13-year-old to go through.  So, what did I do?  Nothing.  I figured that it would all work itself out.  You know what though, it didn’t.  I turned 30 and I still had the same trust issues as I did when I was 13. My preferred distraction methods of hiding and watching TV had longevity.

Denial is a psychological defense mechanism that can be used to protect, but it can only take you so far.  Denials and distractions don’t help to change your life.  They keep you stuck.  When I turned 30, I realized that no one was coming to save me.  I had to learn to save myself, but it took me a long time to find out how.  I tried taking courses or reading books, then I would get overwhelmed, so I would hide and distract myself by watching tv.  It is easier to stay in that place of denial than it is to make changes.

What do you want to do differently?  Is it time to make a change, but you are afraid?  Or do you know that you can’t do it alone?  I am here to help.  Let me know how I can help you.


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