June 8


Am I Awake or Asleep?

The process of awakening can be both easy and difficult at the same time.  It has a lot to do with you.  Me?  Yes, you.  How could it be based on me?  We all have certain beliefs about the metaphysical world or as my Dad calls it the “woo woo” world.

We all move forward and slide back on our path to becoming enlightened.  The energies of the world today make it harder and harder to stay asleep.  The spiritual world is forcing you into a new reality.  One that you can either surrender to or go into kicking and screaming.

The awakening process could involve an illness or a question of why does my life seem so hard?  For me, it was the latter.  I had spent my life trying to be someone who I wasn’t.   It took me a while to start and put the pieces together because I no longer knew who I was.  I had lost my identity.  I started to read self-help books.  One of the first books, if not the first, was “You Can Heal Your Life” by Louise Hay.  Total game changer and if you haven’t read yet, I urge you too.  I began to look at everything as a sign and something to peel away from allergies to ear infections, to back pain, to excess weight.  More than six years later, I am still peeling away the layers.  But, as I uncovered more, I began to tackle the question of “Who Am I?”  I started to dabble in astrology and numerology.  These gave me clues, but it wasn’t until this year that everything started to click.  I lost my job in January and had a chance to decide who I wanted to be in this next phase of my life.  The old me wasn’t there anymore and working in immigration law, while it helped people, didn’t seem to fit me anymore.  I watched a Facebook Live with Colette Baron-Reid and Crystal Andrus Morrisette that changed the direction of my life.  This was only 2 days after losing my job!  I had studied different modalities but didn’t know how to combine everything.  This was my answer.  Coaching was something that had come relatively easy to me over the years, but I didn’t really know anything about the industry.  So, I took a leap and signed up for a coaching certification program.  Through that program, my life began to change.  Things didn’t move as quickly as I would have liked, but they began to progress.  Synchronicity began to happen.  I met new people who took me in new directions.  Some of the old people feel away.  They weren’t a part of my new journey and others were inspired by what I was doing and decided to come along for the ride.  Today I am not the same person that rang in 2019.  When that flow happens, you are on your soul path.

My process was not quick and yours probably won’t be either.  Where are you in your process?  Are you starting or further along?  The journey to awakening matches you.  There is no right or wrong answer.  It is what it is.  It is as unique as you.  If you would like my help in your process, click here to book an appointment.


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