May 24


You Want Me to Trust!

Spirit has a plan for each and everyone of us.  Understanding and trusting are two very different things though.

I have known for a while that spirit has a plan for me.  Bits and pieces have been revealed over the years as I have been ready to receive them.  This year has been all about trusting that plan.  Taking the leap to begin a business after getting laid off from my job.  The idea of not having a regular 9 to 5 job like I was taught growing up has been a challenge, but trusting that everything will work out without a safety net has been a real lesson.  Not everyday with this lesson is easy, but I am still learning to trust it.  I suspect this is a lifelong lesson for myself and each of you reading this. 

What is spirit planning for you?  Can you take the leap and trust that you will be taken care of?


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