September 24


No Middle Ground

It’s officially Libra season and fall here in the Northern Hemisphere.  Libra is all about compromise and balance, but there seems to be very little willingness to compromise this week.  This week people would rather be right than move forward.

Mars in Libra Opposes Chiron in Aries on September 24 at 4:06 pm.  Mars wants to act even if it's not perfect or ready just to move forward, but Chiron in Aries either wants it to be right or has to be right before it can even consider moving forward.  Compromise would be a great option if both sides are willing to give a little, but that might not be in the cards.  The other option is to put it on the back burner and move on to something else until an agreement can be made.

Venus in Leo Squares Uranus in Taurus on September 29 at 1:53 pm.  This is the 3rd and final pass of something that you’ve already visited around July 2 and July 23.  Have you been connecting to what you truly want in your heart?  Have you been putting in the work and the effort to grow and become a better person?  If you have, great!  If you haven’t, you may be in for a shakeup.  Things can’t stay the way they are, and the universe is ready to begin implementing its plan. 

What are you having difficulties with this week?    Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?


Chiron, Compromise, Leo, Libra, Mars, Taurus, Uranus

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