July 21


Me vs. Community

It can be easy many days to be more concerned about yourself than others or vice versa.  That doesn’t mean that it’s right or wrong.  Things can go one way one moment and the other the next.  The question right now is can you find the balance between the two?  With the Sun entering the sign of Leo this week, there’s going to be a change in emphasis.  How do you react?

Mercury in Leo Squares Uranus in Taurus on July 21 at 6:21 pm EST.  Mercury in Leo wants to have a conversation about you and Uranus in Taurus is examining the value.  Now if you want to have a conversation about your value, it could be a win-win, but most of the time you’re not interested in discussing your self-worth with other people.  That’s more of a personal conversation that you have with you and you, but right now you’re being pushed.  Have a conversation about self-worth with someone that you know and trust.  You could just be surprised about the result.

The Sun enters the sign of Leo on July 22 at 3:44 am EST.  The Sun enters the sign of Leo.  It’s time for you to embrace your inner lion or lioness.  Strut your stuff.  Look your best.  The Sun is shining a light on you.  Do you step up and have the spotlight shine on you with confidence or do you hide backstage and let others have their moment in the sun?  Whatever you decide is right for you in the moment.  It doesn’t mean that you can’t change your mind later.  I encourage you to step into the spotlight even if it terrifies you.  It could just take you in a new direction.

Sun in Leo Opposes Pluto in Aquarius on July 23 at 1:38 am EST.  What’s more important you or the community at large?  There’s no right or wrong answer here.  Again, this could change from one moment to the next.  Both have their purposes, but Pluto is looking to alter the community at large.  If you have opinions about the way it should look and with the Sun and Mercury being in Leo, I’m sure that you do, it’s time to voice your opinions.  Everyone is entitled to their opinions.  They’re opinions, it doesn’t make them right or wrong, but it’s time for the spotlight to be focused on you and the community.  Can a good common ground be found for the greatest good of all?  It’s time to find out.

Mercury enters Virgo on July 25 at 6:42 pm EST.  It’s time to pay attention to the details.  Mercury loves being in the sign of Virgo and examining everything with a fine-toothed comb.  Look at all of the little things.  It may not seem like a big deal, but it could be.  Mercury is going to go retrograde and will retrace this point on its way back to the sign of Leo.  There’s a time to do it again if you don’t do it now, but I would advise you to pay attention to the details now.

Chiron in Aries stations to go retrograde on July 26 at 9:59 am EST.    It’s time to look back over your inner wounds regarding yourself.  Do some self-reflection.  It would be nice to just keep charging ahead, but that’s not how retrogrades work.  Is there some inner work that you’ve been putting off?  This is the perfect time to start examining it.

Are you finding the balance between yourself and the community this week? Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment? 


Aquarius, Aries, Chiron, Community, Leo, Me, Mercury, Pluto, Retrograde, Self, Sun, Taurus, Uranus, Virgo

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