October 4


It’s Your Fault!

It’s not my fault, it’s yours!  I did exactly what I was supposed to do.  Here’s the thing, it’s always easier to blame others than to take responsibility, but you’re still not coming from the most empowered place.

With it being retrograde season, you’re reviewing your story.  Maybe others have blamed you for their problems in the past, or you’ve blamed others.  It’s not your responsibility to solve their problems, or theirs to solve yours.  You can help them if you choose, but you have a choice.  It’s time for people to accept responsibility for their own actions.

It's always easier to believe it’s someone else’s fault, but it doesn’t make it true.  When you pass that off on to someone else without working through it, you don’t allow yourself to grow.  You don’t become the best version of yourself.

I’ve been reminded of the lessons of responsibility and choice a lot the past few weeks and even had another reminder just before writing this.  It hurts to be someone else’s fall girl or guy.  It may even make us want to react in turn, but that isn’t the answer.  Before responding walk away and come back to it later.  Allow yourself time to process your emotions.  The only person’s choices you can truly be responsible for are your own.  You’re responsible for you.

I wish I could tell you life is easy. We’re sent here to learn lessons and given the chance to demonstrate it’s been learned.  You’re challenged until you do.  The rights and wrongs are yours to do with as you may.  You can continue ignoring what’s in front of you or you can accept your role, be responsible and start to do the work.  The choice is yours.

What do you need to be responsible for?  Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.


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