November 10


Is That A Challenge?

Life just seems to be full of challenges right now and this week won’t be any different.  Different week, similar story.  The end of chapters are here.  Pluto will move into Aquarius until around 2044 on November 19.  Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune will also wrap up their multi-year story arcs over the next 2 years.  You’re being challenged to ensure you’ve gotten the lesson and made the necessary changes.  It would be nice to have a little bit of a break sometimes though.

Venus enters the sign of Capricorn on November 11 at 1:26 pm EST.  Venus is looking for quality over quantity.  It’s not how much you have, but what you have.  Venus will also examine things in a more practical than emotional manner.  This could be helpful as the world seems to be going crazy all around you.

Mercury in Sagittarius Squares Saturn in Pisces on November 12 at 8:22 am EST.  Even though you may know that you’re right, there’s a karmic piece to the puzzle that you need to know.  All will be revealed, just not as quickly as you might like.  Make sure that you have good energetic boundaries and stand up for yourself when someone else is infringing on your boundaries.

Saturn in Pisces stations direct on November 15 at 9:20 am EST.  What have you learned about boundaries or karma since June 29? This is the time to start implementing what you’ve learned.

Sun in Scorpio Opposes Uranus in Taurus on November 16 at 9:45 pm EST.  Have a little bit of patience and flexibility as neither Scorpio nor Taurus wants to back down.  They would prefer it if things stayed exactly as they are, but Uranus is here to remind you that nothing stays the same.  Watch out for a curveball or challenge that gets thrown your way, so that you start moving in a different direction.

What challenges are you facing this week? Let me know! If you’d like more guidance, click here to learn more or book an appointment. 


Capricorn, Challenge, Challenges, Challenging, Mercury, Pisces, Sagittarius, Saturn, Sun, Taurus, Uranus, Venus

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