December 1


Innovation vs. Conformity

There’s quite the week ahead.  Many aspects involve the sign of Sagittarius there’s the opportunity for higher wisdom, but it could also be the clashing of egos.  You may think you know better and while that can be the case, try to take a step back and see the energy from a higher perspective.

Mercury in Sagittarius Opposes Jupiter in Gemini on December 4 at 5:16 am EST.  You’re revisiting something that happened on November 18.  You may have more information than before or decide you’re ready to take a different path.  Either way, the communications on this day could be big, but are they big enough to get your attention and possibly make a change.

Sun in Sagittarius Square Saturn in Pisces on December 4 at 11:18 am EST.  Saturn in Pisces has been discussing boundaries and dishing out karma where applicable, but the Sun in Sagittarius isn’t ready to listen.  The Sun in Sagittarius wants just to have a good time, but Saturn wants you to pay attention to what’s going on behind the limitations.  The limitations are there for a reason, it’s up to you to figure out the reasons.

Sun in Sagittarius Conjunct Mercury in Sagittarius on December 5 at 9:18 pm EST.  The Sun in Sagittarius and Mercury in Sagittarius are having an opportunity to connect and discuss what they’ve learned, but Mercury is retrograde, so it still has revisions to make to the game plan. 

Mars stations retrograde in the sign of Leo on December 6 at 6:33 pm EST.  It’s time for the planet of action to take a time out.  The activities that you’ve been working on getting done are going to start to slow down.  You might not have the energy to complete the task or blocks may be put in your path.  Mars has something to say about your self-identity and will be retrograding back into the sign of Cancer.  Mars will not get back to this point until April, so you have a lot of time before things fully get back into place.

Mercury in Sagittarius Squares Saturn in Pisces on December 6 at 8:53 pm EST.  You’re revisiting something that happened on November 12.  Mercury in Sagittarius doesn’t want the boundaries and karma to restrict what’s happening in your life, but there’s more to the story.  Don’t let the limitations tell you what’s true and false.  Try to look at things objectively.

Venus enters Aquarius on December 7 at 1:13 am EST.  Venus is ready to be unique and let it fly.  Venus wants to be free of restrictions and just be herself.  Venus wants to innovate and create. Value yourself and your uniqueness.

Venus in Aquarius Conjunct Pluto in Aquarius on December 7 at 9:08 am EST.  Venus wants to be free and unique, but Pluto in Aquarius may be trying to make you conform.  Pluto has just moved into Aquarius and isn’t in the same place as Venus.  Pluto may be pushing for you to be unique, but there are still remnants of needing to conform.  Do you want to conform to what everyone else wants or do you want to be yourself?  The choice is yours.

Sun in Sagittarius Opposes Jupiter in Gemini on December 7 at 3:58 pm EST.  The Sun in Sagittarius wants to teach and Jupiter in Gemini may or may not be curious about what Sagittarius has to say.  If Gemini isn’t quite interested, maybe it’s the subject matter or the teaching methodology.  Try again later on if it doesn’t work the first time and then you may have your answer.

Neptune stations direct in the sign of Pisces on December 7 at 6;43 pm EST.  Neptune is ready to see what you have learned since it went retrograde on July 2.  You have time to put the pieces together before Neptune leaves its shadow period.  Things that may have seemed true at one time, may not be true any longer.  It’s okay to admit that it’s not true, just find a way to move forward.

Are you being forced to conform?  Let me know! If you’d like more guidance, click here to learn more or book an appointment. 


Direct, Jupiter, Leo, Merciury, Neptune, Pisces, Pluto, Retrograde, Saturn, Sun, Venus

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