September 15


Harsh Reality of Life

This week we have a Lunar Eclipse in the signs of Virgo and Pisces with the Lunar Nodes still being on the Aries- Libra axis.  It’s time to face the truth this week.  No more looking at things with rose-colored glasses or brushing things under the rug.  There is a solution to the problem, but first, you need to face the problem.

Venus in Libra Opposes Chiron in Aries on September 16 at 5:29 pm EST.  Have some love for yourself.  It’s so easy to give love to others, but so often you come last.  Don’t be last today.  Take some time out for self-care.  Learn to accept yourself warts and all.

The Lunar Eclipse with the Sun in Virgo and Moon in Pisces with the North Node in Aries and the South Node in Libra happens on September 17 at 10:34 pm EST.  What reality do you need to face?  It can no longer be ignored.  Something in your life has shifted or is about to shift.  The issue won’t just go away on its own.  The solutions will come, but first, it’s time for acceptance.  Accept the situation for what it is. 

Mercury in Virgo Opposes Saturn in Pisces on September 18 at 4:50 am EST.  You want to lash out at someone else because something didn’t work out the way you expected.  Don’t.  Everyone is going through something right now.  Don’t place your garbage on someone else.  Saturn is looking to enforce some boundaries.  If you can’t find anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.

The Sun in Virgo Opposes Neptune in Pisces on September 20 at 8:17 pm EST.  You may want to go back to avoid reality, but the truth will set you free.  Don’t try to escape the situation.  There is no real escape.  The sooner you can accept the reality, the better off you will be.

Mercury in Virgo Squares Jupiter in Gemini on September 21 at 4:50 am EST.  You might not be thinking clearly.  If that’s the case take a time out.  You don’t have to know everything right this minute.  It’s ok to press pause and just say I don’t know.  That may be your best bet right now. 

What are you having to face this week? Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to learn more or book an appointment. 


Aries, Gemini, Jupiter, Libra, Lunar Eclipse, Mercury, Neptune, Pisces, Saturn, Sun, Venus

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