November 24


Ghosts and Nostalgia

How are you doing on the path that you’re currently on?  It’s time for a visit from the past.  The people and memories from your past have a message for you as the dreaded Mercury retrograde takes place from November 25 to December 15. 

Mercury stations retrograde in the sign of Sagittarius on November 25 at 9:42 pm EST.  Mercury in Sagittarius has been blunt in its communication.  It may have awakened you to a necessary message or a reminder of what you need to shift, but when Mercury goes retrograde it’s time to go backward.  People or memories from your past may take precedence.  Pay attention to what is being said during this Mercury retrograde.  It will help you to move your thinking forward when Mercury goes direct on December 15.

Venus in Capricorn Squares Chiron in Aries on November 27 at 11;58 pm EST.  Are you seeking quality relationships?  Venus in Capricorn wants the best for you, not just accumulating for the sake of having, whether it be relationships, friendships, or material items.  Chiron in Aries wants you to take charge of your healing.  Chiron in Aries can make you feel conflicted about your value and your worth in the world.  Know that you are worth it!  Especially as you gather at the table this Thanksgiving (here in the United States).  Your family can often bring up those ghosts from the past and remind you of your inner wounds.  Use these reminders of what you still need to heal.    

What are you revisiting from your past? Let me know! If you’d like more guidance, click here to learn more or book an appointment. 


Aries, Capricorn, Chiron, Ghosts, Mercury, Nostalgia, Past, Retrograde, Sagittarius, Venus

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