September 22


Get Sh** Done!

We're in a transitional phase this week. The energy of the eclipse is still present, but now is the time to tackle those projects you've been putting off over the past few months. It’s a moment for clearing out the old and preparing for what’s new.

On September 22, at 8:44 am EST, the Sun enters Libra, bringing a focus on balance, justice, peace, and harmony. Libra is ruled by Venus, who has a few things to share before she shifts signs today. She asks, “What does your perfect world look like?”

Later that same day, Venus in Libra squares Pluto in Capricorn at 5:15 pm EST. This is Venus’ last conversation with Pluto in Capricorn before Pluto moves on. Venus wants to wrap up the work that began back in 2008. How can you refine your vision of beauty and balance? While Venus would love to tie up loose ends, it might be too soon—Pluto doesn’t leave Capricorn for good until November 19.

At 10:36 pm EST on September 22, Venus enters Scorpio. This signals a dive into deeper, darker themes of power and transformation. Venus is not entirely comfortable here and may wish to skip over this part of the journey, but it’s something that can’t be ignored. If you've overlooked these shadows before, where has it led you? Now is the time to shed light on what’s been hidden. Venus can help, but it’s up to you to be willing to face it.

On September 25, at 7:07 am EST, Mercury in Virgo opposes Neptune in Pisces. You may feel a strong urge to complete your tasks, but are you truly ready to check things off your list? Mercury in Virgo is determined to finish its to-dos before it enters Libra tomorrow, while Neptune in Pisces prefers to reflect and dream. Push through. You can always reflect more later, but for now, you should focus on completing.

Mercury enters Libra on September 26 at 4:09 am EST, which may bring some indecision. Mercury in Libra seeks fairness and harmony, but with so much energy swirling around, it can be difficult to choose the best path. Sometimes, you have to make the best decision for the moment and adjust later.

What are you working on this week? Let me know! If you’d like more guidance, click here to learn more or book an appointment. 


Capricorn, Mercury, Neptune, Pisces, Pluto, Scorpio, Sun, Venus, Virgo, Work

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