January 5


Focus On Your Needs

This is a year of transition; the universe is here to help you if you allow it.  It will show you areas in your life where adjustments need to be made.  Remember, you don’t have to make these adjustments all at once, but you will get reminders if you’re not doing the work.  This is a week for you to focus on your home, family, and most importantly your needs. 

Mars retrogrades back into the sign of Cancer on January 6 at 5:44 am EST.  Mars is shifting its focus to what it is that you need.  How can you nurture yourself and those around you to become the best version?  Nurturance is the name of the game.  Mars is going to struggle with the concept but be persistent.  You deserve to have your basic needs met.  Spend more time at home if you need to, but keep doing the work.

Mercury in Sagittarius Squares Neptune in Pisces on January 6 at 8:56 am EST.  Mercury and Neptune are having a difficult conversation.  Sagittarius wants to be free, but Pisces is focused on kindness and compassion.  You can be free, while still being kind, it might just take a little more effort.

Mercury enters the sign of Capricorn on January 8 at 5:30 am EST.  Mercury is ready to focus on being realistic and practical.  It’s time to get to work and think about things differently.  Be more patient with yourself and others in communication.  Try to be objective and not think that you have all of the answers.

Sun in Capricorn Squares Chiron in Aries on January 8 at 8:54 pm EST.  It’s time to get to work on your inner wounds.  The Sun is shining a light on what you learned while Chiron was retrograde.  How can you take the information that you learned and make adjustments so that your inner wounds no longer need to control your actions and your daily life?

How can you focus on your needs?    Let me know! If you’d like more guidance, click here to learn more or book an appointment. 


Adjustments in life, Chiron in Aries, Healing past wounds, Home and family focus, Inner wounds, Kindness and Compassion, Mars retrograde in Cancer, Mercury in Capricorn, Mercury in Sagittarius, Neptune in Pisces, Nurturance and self-care, Patience in communication, Personal growth, Realism and practicality, Self-nurturing, Sun in Capricorn, Year of transition

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