December 29



Happy 2025!  While you may think of this as a New Year and a time for a new beginning, the new beginning isn’t ready yet with Mars being in retrograde.  First, it’s time to experience the endings.  This is the end of a chapter, especially with all of the outer planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto) being in different signs this year. 

Chiron in Aries stations direct on December 29 at 4:13 pm EST.  You’ve been learning a lot about yourself and your wounding since Chiron went retrograde on July 26.  What have you learned about dealing with the world when your internal wounding occurs?  Do you lash out at other people or is it more directed at yourself?  You can take what you have learned about your self-wounding and how you express it.  Remember, you can’t change the wound, but you can change your response.

Venus enters the sign of Pisces on January 2 at 10:24 pm EST.  Venus is ready to bask in the emotions of Pisces.  She is ready to drift and dream about love and the future.  What could love look like? You might find yourself feeling more emotional.  Let your emotions out.  Emotions are looking to be expressed.  It might seem embarrassing, but you could be surprised that someone else feels the same way you do. 

Mars in Leo Opposes Pluto in Aquarius on January 3 at 2:21 am EST.  This is the next part of the story that began on November 3.  What were you doing then?  How do you express yourself and your interests vs. the needs of the collective?  It’s not time for a resolution yet.  Mars is still retrograde and will be until the end of February.  This is still a time for you to collect information.  Something is ending, but it may not be clear quite what it is yet.  Look for clues.  You can put the puzzle together later.

What is ending in your life?  Let me know! If you’d like more guidance, click here to learn more or book an appointment. 


Astrological insights, Astrology 2025, Astrology transits, Chiron in Aries, Cosmic energy, Emotional healing, Endings and new beginnings, Healing journey, Inner transformation, Mars in Leo, Mars retrograde, New Year 2025, Personal growth, Pluto in Aquarius, Retrograde energy, Self-reflection, Self-wounding, Venus emotions, Venus in Pisces

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