November 3


Ego Clash

There’s some big energy going on this week, especially on Sunday and it may color the rest of your week.  A lot of the planets are at the late degrees, so storylines in your life are being wrapped up so that new beginnings can begin, but that doesn’t mean that things will always end gracefully or nicely and egos can even get in the way.

Mars in Cancer Opposes Pluto in Capricorn on November 3 at 6:37 am EST.  This energy is the big flavor for the week and will be felt on Election Day here in the United States.  The Moon rules the sign of Cancer and Saturn rules the sign of Capricorn.  The Moon is a more feminine energy and Saturn is a masculine energy.  Looking at the world, the conflict between the feminine and the masculine is evident, which one will win, is unknown, but each side has their preference.  Mars has trouble moving through the watery nature of Cancer and is looking for its way, but keeps having obstacles put into its path.  There are going to be emotions that need to be confronted and there could be mood swings along the way.  Mars will enter the sign of Leo later today, which will help, but Mars is going to retrograde back into the sign of Cancer on January 6. This storyline isn’t over.

Venus in Sagittarius Opposes Jupiter in Gemini on November 3 at 10:25 am EST.  Venus and Jupiter are disagreeing and it’s evident for everyone to see, that Venus in Sagittarius already has the answer, and Jupiter in Gemini wants to be curious and look for possibilities.  Whenever Jupiter is involved it can make the energy seem bigger,

Mars enters the sign of Leo on November 3 at 11:10 pm EST.  Mars is going to be much more comfortable once it gets into the fiery nature of Leo, but Mars is going to become more self-centered.  What do I want vs. what is good for the collective?  Be careful of your ego getting in the way, it could just cause bigger issues.

Venus in Sagittarius Squares Neptune in Pisces on November 9 at 8:15 am EST.  Maybe you should stay in bed a little longer this morning.  Allow yourself to drift and dream about the possibilities.  Once you’re up, you may be confronted with the realities of something about the nature of love.  The dream may just be better than the reality.

Is your ego getting in the way this week?    Let me know! If you’d like more guidance, click here to learn more or book an appointment. 


Cancer, Capricorn, Ego, Ego Clash, Gemini, Jupiter, Leo, Mars, Neptune, Pluto, Sagittarius, Venus

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