October 22


Do You Have Secrets?

We’re about to enter Scorpio season.  It is a time of intensity, passion, mystery, and maybe even secrets.  Plus it’s still eclipse season and the next one happens on October 28.  The energy isn’t ready to dissipate quite yet.  If anything it’s going to a new level.

Mercury enters Scorpio on October 22 at 2:49 am.  When Mercury is in Scorpio it likes to dig deep and investigate the mysteries of life.  Secrets could be told or may be kept depending on the topic and comfort level.  Communications may have an intensity to them that hasn’t been there. There’s more than meets the eye and other people may just be exploring what’s below the surface.  A conversation is never just a conversation when Scorpio is around.

The Sun enters Scorpio on October 23 at 12:21 pm.  It’s time to shine a new light on what you have passion about in your life.  Although Scorpio is also known to be about sex, death, and taxes there is also the underbelly of life that needs some exploration.  This is the time to explore those taboo areas in life and see what they reveal to you.  If you can come to some conclusions while looking at it from different angles you may be able to heal an aspect of yourself that has previously escaped you.

October 28 is going to be a big day.  With two aspects and an eclipse.  Mars in Scorpio is Opposite Jupiter in Taurus on October 28 at 12:03 pm. Mars enjoys the power that Scorpio energy can bring.  The intensity is there to achieve something and Jupiter in Taurus may just bring the energy to accomplish something big or it decide to dig in its heels and do nothing.  Neither Scorpio nor Taurus energy is that fond of change, but remaining at the status quo might not be possible either.

A lunar eclipse happens on October 28 at 4:24 pm.  The last eclipse was in Libra and this eclipse is in Taurus and Scorpio.  Venus rules both Libra and Taurus.  There’s something that your heart wants you to know.  You may not like the answer, but it doesn’t make it any less true.  Scorpio is bringing an intensity to this truth that you may not be able to deny any longer. 

Mercury in Scorpio Opposes Jupiter in Taurus on October 28 at 11:44 pm.  The action Mars took earlier in the day will need to be discussed.  Mercury has questions and it needs the answers before it’s willing to take the action that Mars would like to take. 

Do you have secrets?  Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?


Eclipse, Jupiter, Mars, Mercury, Scorpio, Secrets, Sun, Taurus

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