November 17


Cosmic Shifts

A chapter is ending and a new one is beginning.  There is a generational shift this week.  Pluto will exit the sign of Capricorn for the last time in your lifetime.  It’s time to prepare for a new story that will be transformed between now and 2044.  You started receiving a peek of this story from March to June 2023 and January to August 2024.  It’s time for a shift.

Mercury in Sagittarius Opposes Jupiter in Gemini on November 18 at 3:55 am EST.  It’s time for some big communications!  It could be a philosophical conversation that could shift your perspective or maybe your inbox just gets filled with emails.  Either way, your brain is going to be in hyperdrive and looking to get things accomplished.  Remember you are allowed to and should take a breath if needed.  Just get work your way through the checklist. Pluto enters the sign of Aquarius on November 19 at 3:29 pm EST.  There is a generational shift and we are saying goodbye.  Pluto is the sign of death, rebirth, and transformation.  It has been transforming your Capricorn house since 2008 and has just finished up its work in that area of life.  If you look at on the world stage, Capricorn is represented by the government.  The government has been undergoing some cosmic shifts since 2008, but now it’s time for Aquarius to have its turn.  Aquarius is about the needs of the collective, seeing the bigger picture, and innovation.  We may see what happens with technology and AI.  There could be revolutionary ideas, but Aquarius can be a sign that isn’t seeking to be the center of attention but likes to be pulling the strings behind the scenes.  But, like anything in astrology, there can be a shadow side.  The shadow side of Aquarius can be a need for control and while Aquarians can like the ideals of freedom, there can be some hypocrisy in their language.  They may like the idea of what you’re saying, but unless you can frame it in a logical method that makes sense to them, they can’t hear what you’re saying.   Pay attention to what area of life Pluto is moving into, between now and 2044, it may receive a total overhaul.

The Sun enters the sign of Sagittarius on November 21 at 2:56 pm EST.  It’s time for an emphasis on fun and adventure, but be careful, you may think that you already have the answers, but do you?  Try and look at life from a different perspective, using your higher mind.  Just try to have a little bit of patience, it may be essential to your peace of mind.

What shifts are you facing this week? Let me know! If you’d like more guidance, click here to learn more or book an appointment. 


Aquarius, Change, Gemini, Jupiter, Mercury, Pluto, Sagittarius, Shift, Sun, Transformation

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