August 25


Clear-headedness Returns

Have you recovered from last week yet or feel like you have a case of whiplash?  There will be a bit of lighter energy, but Mercury stations direct and Venus enters a new sign, so let’s see what the planets have to say this week?

Venus in Virgo Opposes Neptune in Pisces on August 28 at 4:225 pm EST.  Have you feeling some illusions about your love life or lack thereof?  Venus in Virgo wants to help you but may go about it incorrectly.  The relative that means well, but ends up critiquing you and insulting you before the conversation is over.  Neptune in Pisces isn’t going to help set the record straight, it would prefer to just zone out and come back to the issue later on.

Mercury stations direct on August 28 at 5:14 pm EST.  Mercury is ready to trace the ground that it’s covered since it went into retrograde.  What were you able to revise or did any of your ghosts reveal something to you?  Over the coming weeks try to look at the issue with a fresh perspective and a new pair of googles.  A resolution may come to mind that you never thought of before.

Venus enters the sign of Libra on August 29 at 9:23 am EST.  Venus is so happy to get out of the sign of Virgo and into one of her home signs.  Venus is ready to think about love and beauty ago without being so concerned about the details.  Look for the beauty in the situation.  It isn’t always easy to find and could take some time, but it’s always there.

What are you hoping to be clear on?   Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment. 


Clear, Leo, Libra, Mercury, Neptune, Pisces, Venus

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