June 6


Clean Up!

Have you been cleaning a lot recently?  Throwing things away that are broken?  Donating or selling what you no longer use?
Over the last year, people have been cleaning the house.  To the point where donation centers have put limitations and reminders on what they will and won’t take.
You may be one of the fortunate ones where cleaning up is easy.  You’ll periodically go through your belongings and toss what you don’t need anymore.  For another group of you, everything has meaning.  You can’t get rid of that, so and so owned it or so and so gave it to you.  Everything is connected to memory.  Maybe you fall somewhere in between the two extremes.
I’ve been resistant while the mass cleaning of people’s spaces has been going on.  Why might you ask?  Partly because of the amount of time that I would have to spend, but also because I didn’t have the energy to look through everything.  This past week, the energy shifted.  I knew it was time and I didn’t have any more excuses.
To manifest what you want, sometimes you must get rid of what you don’t want.  You must make space.  Making space for what you want somedays can be a challenge, but it’s necessary.
If your life is already full, do you truly have space for something new?  Only you can answer that question.  For now, I’ll continue making space a little bit at a time.  It may time longer, but there’s nothing that says I need to tackle it all at once.  I just have to do it.  Just cleaning up a part of the space, feels lighter.  There’s room opening for something new to enter.  Not sure what that might be yet, but it’s a start.  The intention is there.
Manifestation is a multi-step process.  The step that isn’t always mentioned is the decluttering process.  Yes, it is a process.  It’s not as easy as just cleaning for many.  Allow the process to unfold as it’s mean to.
Where are you in your decluttering process?   Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.


Beginnings, Change, Energy, Focus, Power

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